How To Use Your Sanctified Imagination To Meet With Jesus

3 years ago

Hello brothers and sisters and new subscribers. Many times I forget not everyone here is a Heartdweller and the channel is growing everyday. I hope you have enjoyed the most recent messages and heavenly experiences the Lord gave to me during dwelling prayer.

The Lord has taught us to use dwelling prayer as means of really connecting with him in the spirit. Entering inside our hearts where he dwells, to be with him, hear from him and see him. He desires to do this with all his brides, believe me I am nothing special. It just takes some effort on your part to first believe, using your imagination to connect with him and Holy Spirit will take it from there.

What is imagination: Websters dictionary describes it as the ability of the mind to be creative or resourceful.

You see we were created in the image of God in his likeness, Genesis 1:26 "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness":

So we were created in the same likeness of God who is the Creator of all creation. God first had a thought, then he spoke it into existence and said, "Let their be light" and there was light. He first imagined it and spoke it. That means he imagined the whole world and all of existence and brought it forth to reality.

To imagine means also to think, to think things into reality. In scripture you hear God always telling us he thinks a lot and He thinks many times of us and good thoughts towards us;

Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope."

Psalm 139:17-18,
"How precious to me are your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand—when I awake, I am still with you."

So you see, God thinks a lot of us and has imagined a certain future that is full of peace, hope and joy for all of us. I’m saying all this to set up the foundation first so that you know it's okay to think, imagine things and bring them into your reality in prayer because we are created in his likeness.

Imagination is a powerful tool given to us by God himself. To be more like him and for the purposes of communicating with Him. However, after the fall of mankind and sin entered the world, our imaginations became very evil.

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(Transcript - Part 1)

Hello, brothers and sisters and new subscribers. Many times I forget that not everyone here is a Heartdweller and the channel is growing every day. I hope that you have enjoyed the most recent messages and heavenly experiences that the Lord gave to me during Dwelling Prayer.

The Lord has taught us to use Dwelling Prayer as a means of really connecting with Him in the spirit, entering inside our hearts where he dwells, to be with him, hear from him, and to see him. He desires to do this with all of his brides. Believe me, I am nothing special. It just takes some effort on your part to first believe using your imagination to connect with Him, and Holy Spirit will take it from there.

What is imagination? Webster’s dictionary describes it as an ability of the mind to be creative or resourceful.

You see, we were created in the image of God, in His likeness.

Genesis 1:26,
“And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness”.

So we were created in the same likeness of God who is the creator of all creation. God first had a thought, then he spoke it into existence, and said, “Let there be light”, and there was light, (Genesis 1:3). He first imagined it and then spoke it. That means he imagined the whole world and all of existence and brought it forth into reality.

To imagine means also to think; to think things into reality. In scripture, you hear God always telling us he thinks a lot, and He thinks, many times of us, and good thoughts towards us.

Jeremiah 29:11,
“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you”, says the LORD, “thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.”

Psalm 139:17-18
“How precious to me are your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand—When I awake, I am still with you.”

So you see, God thinks a lot of us and has imagined a certain future that is full of peace, hope, and joy for all of us. I’m saying all of this to set up the foundation first so that you know it’s okay to think, imagine things, and to bring them into your reality in prayer because we are created in his likeness.

Imagination is a powerful tool given to us by God himself, to be more like Him and for the purposes of communicating with Him. However, after the fall of mankind, and sin entered the world, our imaginations became very evil.

Genesis 6:5,
And God saw that the wickedness of man [was] great in the earth, and [that] every imagination of the thoughts of his heart [was] only evil continually.

So we have the ability, also, to imagine evil and wicked thoughts, unfortunately, because of sin in our lives, and in our hearts. However, when you give your life to Jesus and the Holy Spirit dwells within you, you then are given the mind of Christ.

2 Timothy 1:7
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

He has given us his mind which is sound, and he encourages us to think of things that are pure.

For the pure in heart shall see God, (Matthew 5:8)


Philippians 4:8
Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.

So isn’t Jesus true? Isn’t Heaven lovely? Seeing yourself being with him, is that not pure? Yes, it is, and he wants us to think, meditate and imagine these things, even now.

I have heard many tell me, “Well I just don’t have an imagination”, and I say, no that is not true. It may not be active and disciplined to focus on heavenly things, but everybody has an imagination, hence the scriptures I gave above. And very simple examples of how we use our imagination day to day; when we go to sleep many of us think what we are going to do tomorrow? If you are working, you may think, what are you going to wear? You put the outfit together in your mind for the next day, or you hang it up. You think of what you are going to eat, cook for your family? And you then imagine the ingredients you need. You put pictures to your thoughts, don’t you? Aha, that is your imagination.

It just, now, needs to be trained and disciplined to have sanctified thoughts and images, and Holy Spirit will help you if you ask him.

The enemy of our soul, Satan, hates this form of communication more than anything because he knows how powerful the mind can be to connect us with God and with Heaven. So that is why he intentionally and very intensely attacks the minds of many.

1 Peter 5:8
Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.

So we must be sober-minded, what does that mean? You must be discerning, recognizing when the enemy comes to wage war with your mind, using your imagination, and holding every thought captive to the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5).

Because it will happen, I guarantee you that, but that should not stop you. That is the greatest obstacle many have in seeing in the spirit and with the eyes of their heart.

(Transcript - Part 2)

The number one obstacle, believe it or not, is unbelief you immediately assume that many thoughts and visions are from your own mind and disregard them as actually being from God.

Then there is fear; fear of deception when you realize the Lord can speak to you and show you things, many fear being deceived by a lying spirit so they don’t even try. You must get past that, and trust that God wants to speak to you and communicate to you more than you want to with him. He died on the cross and suffered terribly for that reason, to have a relationship with you. So he won’t lead you into this just to deceive you. You must trust him.

Then the obstacles that work the most are guilt and shame. Outside of unbelief, this is the most common tactic of the enemy, to make you feel unworthy and guilty about yourself, about a fall you just had. Then you come into agreement with his lies that God would never speak to someone like you. Or your thoughts are always unclean, so you feel dirty and ashamed to approach him. Worse, he gives you perverted images and thoughts of yourself, others, and even of Jesus so it stops you right in your tracks when trying to use your imagination for anything good.

That was one of the devil’s favorite tactics with me in the beginning of my walk. When I really tried to imagine Jesus next to me, or beside me he would pervert the image. I would feel so disgusted thinking it was from my own mind until Holy Spirit brought light to it and said there were demons projecting images to my mind to make me feel guilty and ashamed. And he taught me to hold the image captive, quite literally, with a cube, iron cage, and wipe the image from my mind, and it worked! I did it every time I was in prayer and an evil projected image would pop up; I would just wipe it from my mind. You must take authority, rebuke the demons, and press in. Don’t let that stop you.

Mother Clare did a message for those who were having difficulties connecting with the Lord in Dwelling Prayer and are having resistance from the enemy in this way. The message is called “Sexual Temptation in Prayer”. I will be posting that next, following this message, in order to prepare you for the Exploring Heaven Meditation.

Distractions are another thing, where your mind is moving faster than the beat of your heart, or you’re weighed down by the cares of that day so you cannot connect with him in prayer. I have found what works, and what he has taught us is to get a piece of paper in the morning. Write your to-do list; worries on your mind that day, any distracting thoughts, on the piece of paper. Then just leave it there at his feet and enter into prayer with a clear mind. You will be amazed how that literally clears up your mind. It’s like a folder in your brain that says, okay I am putting all these distracting thoughts away in this file for now and will come back to it later. It really works!

For those who struggle easily with distractions before entering into Dwelling Prayer, you’ll want to do that. Prepare your heart by saying a short prayer, binding any demons of fear, unbelief, guilt, shame, and pride. Then prepare your soaking music by putting together a playlist of Heavenly instrumentals or songs that sing to Jesus, not about him, with artists like Kari Jobe, and for soaking, Kimberly and Alberto Rivera. They are amazing and very anointed and that’s where this mediation I will soon share, comes from.

Ask Holy Spirit to pick the songs and click shuffle. You want to then imagine a meeting place with the Lord. It can be a beach, forest, a desert, in a garden, in your room. Don’t limit yourself or him. You can use your imagination to meet in Heaven or the Garden just with the information you know of from scripture you can imagine these places and you will be there. Then begin to imagine your senses, what do you see? what are you wearing? what do you feel? Take note of everything. Sometimes you may have to stay at that place for a while. Remember, if you get distracting thoughts or images, don’t stop, or shut down your imagination. If it’s demonic, rebuke it immediately and wipe it from your mind and go back to what you were imagining.

Then ask Jesus where he is in this picture if you don’t see him immediately. When he does appear take note of what he is wearing. It may be modern clothes or clothes from his time, or a tuxedo? He loves to dance and ice skate so don’t be surprised. When you see him take his hand and allow Holy Spirit to lead you from there. Take note of everything and cast down the lies you will hear that this is your imagination, that you should stop, don’t. Keep going with what the Holy Spirit is showing you and what you and Jesus do together. Sometimes he may speak audibly to you, at other times it may be heart-to-heart words spoken to you without words, or silence where he is present, not saying anything, but his presence speaks a thousand words of love.

Jesus is such a gentleman, so kind, and never pushy. So if all you see is a glimmer of his face, or his hand touching your hand in a loving way and that’s all you see, take it and come back again to imagine more with him. He knows what you have faith for, so the more times you do this the more faith you will have to really use your sanctified imagination to connect with him and the more confidence you will have in Holy Spirit to take you wherever he wants to in Dwelling Prayer.

Write all your experiences down in a journal, whether it’s colors that you saw, brilliant lights, the feeling of his presence or actually connecting and meeting with Jesus. Then do it again the next day in prayer and that is how you cultivate and exercise your mind to use your sanctified imagination to connect with the Lord.

Ephesians 1:17-19
I pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in your knowledge of Him. I ask that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you may know the hope of His calling, the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints, and the surpassing greatness of His power to us who believe in Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

God bless you guys until the next message.

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