HGPotter's AFTER ATLANTIS [Audiobook] Christian story-telling 1/6 Twilight of the Republic

3 years ago

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(formerly titled "The Demon Proof" selected from HG POTTER'S Tome THE FALL OF NYSTOL AND OTHER TALES (soon available in print at LULU.com...)
MAPS https://www.realmsofwhitehawk.com/the-grand-chart-of-bamusk-ii
Adeuces: a wizard of Azerdon involved in the conspiracy to destroy Nystol
All-being: Eldark title for the sacred originator of all beings and existences
Andolyn Mtns. part of the Antelynk Range, fringed with great forests
Antelynk Range: the row of mountains transecting the continent North to South
Allapis: the ancient empire founded by Atlantean colonists, the city near Regulum
Ammouri: a lost rite of ancient XP-ianity
Ammouric clans: Maceonid clans that adopted the Ammouric religion
Ammouric hegemony: a few years the Ammouri had the hegemony of the continent
Argunizial: the sacred mountain on which legends claimed that God once lived
Arizel: a wizard of Gohha involved in the conspiracy to destroy Nystol
Asceticism: the practice of spiritual discipline
Atalur: (Ataluran wars) a confederation of city states at the gates of the Eastern lands
Azerdon: a grand palace-kingdom of ancient times in a gorge of the Andolyn Mountains.
Black Books of Melancholia: mysterious tomes of elephant hide of which many legends
Bibliotech Rumiliad; The Library in Regulum which preserved the ancient Rumilian texts
Bolgud: hegemax who wielded the imperium and eventually took absolute power
centauri (lat.) centuars, half-horse men noted for hostility to humans
Crucible of the 2nd Quietude: Eldark teaching of purgation of the mind
codices (lat.) plural for codex: book
Chymera Valley: an important valley of the Andolyn mountains
Echorias: province in the South, its grasslands and forests a pristine wilderness
Eldari (adj. Eldark) a quasi-religious philosophical sect combining paganism, old testament
Epinanaus of Asosmos: wrote history of Regulum from foundation in 27 books, now lost
Edolunt Rangers: fighting officers patrol the civil lands enforcing law and Treaty of Karr
Florians Rumilianus 15th hegemax virtuous, assassination presaged end of Republic
Fort Flammelstag: principle Regulian Legion outpost beyond the Southern frontier
Foundation Texts: those texts that survived the burning of Nystol
Furth: oldest name of the lost Continent of Whitehawk
Furth legends: oldest legends of Whitehawk, such as Mt. Argunizial or Duke Ikonn
framex: unknown description save being small desert carnivors that traveled in packs
Gohha (adj. Gohhan) a nation in the East that was settled by Egyptian colonists
Great Burning, The: The conflagration of Nystol that established the end of the fourth age
Hermius' Canyon: stretches a thousand leagues named after Hermius the Conqueror
Illystra (adj: Illystran) old term for the Furth continent, Whitehawk
intermudane: "betwixt the worlds" -Lucretius
imperial: refering to the power of imperium bestowed during times of war
Kutaal: nomadic tribes inhabiting Kithom, the Dry Blood Dunes, and Canyon of Hermius
Luz: a small area in the closed Eastern Lands whose incense is widely sought after
Maceon: possibly one of the sons of Noah
Maceonid: sons of Maceon the dynasties and clans of the first inhabitants of Whitehawk
Mahanaxar: sub-tropical kingdom, savanahs, taken over by the Centuar raiders
Mahark (adj. of Mahar) barbarians of the Northern forests beyond the frontier
Monastery of the Weeping Brotherhood: Ammouric monastery in Dry Blood Dunes
Nystol: ancient college of wizardic towers upon the sub-tropical arid plateau of Sardu
Old Budderham: a kind old mysterious man helps travelers through the Chymera valley
One, The: the Neoplatonic Monad or doctrine of the Oneness of Divine Mind/Logos
Red Asceticism: pleasure-cult derived from a distortion of Lucretius' De Rerum Natura
Regulum: grand city founded by the exiled kings of ancient Rome
Rumilia (Rumilian) area of Regulum originally settled by sons of Rumil, son of Maceon
State of Cathartic Titan: a materialist doctrine that fulfillment of supreme pleasure results in quasi-divine status
Thirty-Third Tome: the most treasured codex of the Black Books of Melancholia
Thaumaturgy: (thaumaturge) a worker of marvels (usually applied to Neoplatonics)
Urguard: primordial city West of Orusca, home of mercenaries, much is unknown
Utterances of the Dead: a forbidden book of Gnostic dream-visions
Vecradian: region of Hell? unknown (place) from a manual examined by Hepthe
Veil of the Third Quietude: Eldark teaching, a final step towards merging with The One
Vesulum: the Holy City of center of continent where resides the Ammouric high patriarch
Well of Souls: one of the few watering holes in the Deadly Hills and Pale Desert
Yezez: a North-South bad-lands desert to the East the Andolyn mountains
Zuphagen: conspirator wizard who plotted downfall of Nystol
Xasbur: remote Eastern land renouned for its incense and gold

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