It’s a Special Feeling

3 years ago

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When we first launched this idea of relocating folks back into environments hosting a simpler more sustainable lifestyle little did we know it would graduate to such heights. We’ve assisted folks not only with relocating to the Dominican Republic, but to several other locations as well. I guess my traveling experiences plus maintaining relationships in several of the more than 100 countries I’ve been in is paying off.

Introducing folks to what they now know is a much less stressful lifestyle is a nice enough feeling but, reintroducing folks to what was left so long ago has a special feeling of inner gratefulness. It’s a feeling that we’ve all just come to realize. Over the past while we’ve (the Something Feels Wrong team) noticed an abnormally large percentage of our clients originated from the DR or were at least here for a portion of their adolescence. It’s when these people put their trust in your team is when that feeling of inner gratitude is increased tenfold. The reasons are obvious but until one begins doing it this feeling I’m mentioning about is left largely unnoticed.

Enjoy a coffee along with Librada and Nat as we discuss some of the experiences shared on their excursion. It’s an excursion that by the time it was over exceeded 1000 miles over a two week period. Seems when frequencies are close the channels on the globe begin to merge. It’s a shame that more of our world just can’t seem to understand this universal law. If we did it would settle us right next to true paradise. Until next time, Barry in DR.

To stay up-to-date on the latest trends why not sign up For those who like bouncing around the DR visiting with interesting people, in general gaining a wealth of information about the DR for sure you’ll want to click on subscribe to our something feels wrong YouTube channel. It’s almost like being on excursion with us. Finally you’ll love our thought-provoking interviews. Dialogue from high profile well respected authorities sharing their perspectives on our rapidly changing world.

Are you looking for a change? Perhaps you’re thinking about expatriating, opting out for a simpler lifestyle. Maybe you’re concerned about the direction your nation is currently heading in and just want a plan B that includes an exit strategy. The reason doesn’t matter because the answer remains the same. Click and begin taking the first step towards your own excursion. See for yourself if our little area might be the right fit. Both the Something Feels Wrong website and YouTube channel a must for anyone considering a move outside of the US, Canada or Europe.

Fair Use Notice: This video contains some copyrighted material whose use has not been authorized by the copyright owners. We believe that this not-for-profit, educational, and/or criticism or commentary use on the Web constitutes a fair use of the copyrighted material (as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes that go beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. Fair Use notwithstanding we will immediately comply with any copyright owner who wants their material removed or modified, wants us to link to their web site, or wants us to add their photo.

Hash Tags:
#passionatecalling, #dominicanrelocatingcabrera, #somethingfeelswrong, #barryindr, #experiencedtraveler, #lowercostofliving, #specialeducation, #dyslexiareadingspecialist, #helppoorkids, #cultures, #appreciation, #research, #beautiful, #peaceful, #safe, #verywelcoming, #foodeverywhere, #paradiseofthenorthcoast, #americanized, #dominicans, #cabrera, #dominicanrepublic, #domrep, #dr, #mts, #mariatrinidadsanchez, #caribbean, #tropicalisland

Title: Straighty Baby

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