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3 years ago

hey if you are intrested in working from home or online jobs

easily start making money -- every day -- as a freelance writer from the comfort of your home.

Your age doesn't matter, your educational background doesn't matter, your experience doesn't matter . .

When I first started, I charged $25 per article? I now charge $150+ per article. I have fewer clients than when I first started, but my earnings have increased because the demand for this type of work is high, and now companies realize they MUST invest in content marketing to keep pace with the competition. So there's less haggling about price. Nowadays, it's about proving your copy can produce results.

Imagine having 5 or 10 clients -- a client load many online writers carry. You'll soon be outsourcing work to other freelance writers -- which is what I do now.

click in the link below for more information :::

suscribee for more

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