Ep 18 p1of6 Judah the man

3 years ago

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This is part one of a six part series about Judah in the Bible. Judah was a man, Judah was a tribe, Judah was a nation, Judah is a theology. We get the term Jew from Judah. Generally speaking, the Jews are the children of Judah.
Judah was the fourth son of Jacob from the older sister Leah. Leah means weary, Jacob loved her younger sister more than her, but he married Leah first. Leah always felt inadequate and was fighting for Jacobs love. We see this in the names she gave to her children.
Reuben ( see a son ) because YHWH has looked upon my affliction and now my husband will love me because I have born him a son.
Simeon ( hearing ) Because YHWH has heard that I was hated and has given me this son also.
Levi ( attached ) Because now my husband will be joined to me because I have born him three sons.
Judah ( celebrated ) Now I will praise YHWH myself.
Joseph was sold into slavery by his 10 brothers. They planned to kill him and throw him into a pit. Reuben talked them out of killing him so they just threw him in the pit.
Judah talked the brothers into selling Joseph for a profit rather than killing him and having blood on their hands. These are the first recorded words of Judah.
Genesis chapter 38 is about Judah's family. Judah leaves his family and meets Canaanite friends. Judah marries a daughter of these men. This woman is never named in the Bible. She bore Judah three sons. Er ( awake ) Onan ( strong ) and Shelah ( request ).
Judah took a wife named Tamar (palm tree ) for his first born son. A palm tree symbolizes righteousness.
YHWH slew Er the firstborn because he was wicked.
Judah tells Onan the second son to give his brothers widow a child. Onan spilled his seed on the ground and YHWH slew him also. The child was to be Er's child that the widow would have a place of dignity in the family, this has nothing to do with masturbation.
Judah then asked Tamar to live at her fathers house until his younger son Shelah grew older but when Shelah grew older and she was not being called she decided to do something about it. Judah had a ring and a staff and was walking around like a king, he had promised Tamar a great name and a great place as a matriarch in this kingdom but now she was being sidelined by him. Judah had failed in his obligation to Tamar and she was now being expected to live the rest of her life a widow. Judah's first wife had died and the young son was grown but Tamar was still being ignored.

Tamar heard that Judah was traveling to a certain town so she dressed like a prostitute and met him on the road, she made a deal with him for a baby goat in exchange for sex. He did not have a goat with him so he gave her his ring and his staff as collateral until he returned with the goat. Judah later sent a servant to deliver the goat but she was gone.
A few months later Tamar was found to be pregnant. She was brought to Judah for trial, he condemned her to death for having sex with a man while she was a widow. She then presented the ring and the staff and said the one who owns these is the father of my child. Judah then stated that Tamar was more righteous than him. We know the lineage of Jesus Christ came through the son of Judah and Tamar.
Tamar bore twins and the midwife named them. First a hand came out and she put a scarlet thread on the wrist and said this one came out first. Then the hand went in and the one without the bracelet came out first. She named him Perez (breach) and said this breach be upon thee. Then the second one with the scarlet thread came out and she named him Zerah ( sunrise ).
Perez was the forefather of Jesus Christ. These two sons are a foreshadowing of the history of the nation of Judah. The genealogy of the third son Shelah fades off in ancient times but the children of Tamar carry on through the scriptures. These two twin sons tell a prophetic story about the first and second coming of Christ. The second coming was prophesied before Christ was born and he was born before the prophecies about the second coming comes to pass. The sunrise is the second coming while the breach is the physical birth of Jesus Christ.

Perez represents the coming of God in the flesh. Mary the mother of Jesus was impregnated by the Holy Spirit. This represents God born in the flesh. The Holy Spirit provides the Spirit of God while Mary provides the flesh of man.

Zerah represents the promise of the second coming of Christ and his kingdom. It was prophesied before Christ was born, this is the hand coming out first but before the promise comes to pass the actual breach must come to pass.

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