About Oaths and Affirmations July 17, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

3 years ago

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About Oaths and Affirmations July 17, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

Oaths are anti-Biblical and are in fact condemned as a practice by Jews, Christians, and Muslims, but they have remained part of the ancient Law of the Sea and the Law Merchant, which are forms of international law, even after the Christian Era. Christians objected to taking oaths, so the requirement was changed to include "affirmations".
This entire practice goes back to international maritime law and forming a verbal contract in front of witnesses, obligating whoever was "swearing" the oath to perform the oath. It is a form of Performance Bond and backs the insurance or indemnity bond that traditionally is required for Public Offices that operate in the international jurisdiction.
Read that: the entire practice of taking oaths upon entering public offices is foreign to us, and only applies in the international jurisdiction. That's why judges and other officers engaged in administering international maritime courts and conducting interstate (that is, international) business on behalf of the Public, take oaths or make affirmations guaranteeing their performance.
Please do not get all worried about arcane things like this. Other people have already researched it and determined what's necessary and what isn't necessary for the proper administration of our Assemblies. If we don't tell you that an oath is necessary, it's not necessary.
People are back on the land and soil the moment that they record their choice of political status and provide proof of who they are and where they were born--- regardless of whether or not the Recorder took an oath or affirmation.

Continue reading http://www.paulstramer.net/2021/07/about-oaths-and-affirmations.html

Download and print http://annavonreitz.com/aboutoathsandaffirmations.pdf

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