Chemical Reactions (Some Things Go BOOM!!!)

3 years ago

As an curious and ODDUNCLE I made this video along with the others to expose my nieces and nephews to basic fundamentals and principles. It is important to recognize and cultivate truth, goodness and beauty. To that end I attempt to explore and loosely tie together something from the bible and the scientific realm while closing off with something inspiration or beautiful. In this video I explore some chemical reactions that can be done at home but are dangerous as they involve fire, explosion and pressurized gas just to name a few. I do apologize that my explanations are vague but I do hope that the flash and bang of the video provides some entertainment value.
Words of Caution***
The purpose of these videos is to expose my nieces and nephews to concepts and how they may work in the real world. I am not a teacher or instructor of any sort. Some of the experiments, activities and demonstrations in this or other videos are certainly dangerous and shouldn't be done at home. Any instructions given are for entertainment, clarification, or if the viewer is so inclined education. They are not meant as instructions for the viewer to go about doing the same or similar dangerous and risky activities.

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