My Body My Choice Rep Kathy Edmonston Dr Sharnael SUBSCRIBE NOW

3 years ago

My Body My Choice Rep Kathy Edmonston Dr Sharnael CALL to ACTION

My Body My Choice Rep Kathy Edmonston Dr Sharnael and others Kathy Edmonston

Representative Kathy Edmonston was elected in 2019 to her first four-year term in the Louisiana Legislature to serve her constituents in district 88 located in northeast Ascension Parish. Prior to this she served four years on the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education representing five parishes. She recently retired after almost 27 years of working as a liaison between parents of children with special needs and their schools in the Ascension Parish public school system.

Kathy graduated from LSU with a B.A. in English. She also graduated from Laverne College in Coronada, CA with and credentials to teach adult education in English, Reading and Social Science. She has served on numerous boards including the Developmental Disabilities Council with the Louisiana Dept. of Education, the Ascension Parish Planning & Zoning Commission, Community Advisory Panel of Ascension Parish as a liaison between chemical plant executives and residents on environmental issues, and as a leader in Eagle’s Wings Healing Streams Ministry to women. After serving sixteen years in state and local Republican committees, she was recently elected without opposition to serve her fourth four-year term in Ascension Parish.

Jill Hines is the Co-Director of Health Freedom Louisiana, a consumer and human rights advocacy organization. She advocates for the rights of citizens to maintain their ability to say no to medical procedures, specifically vaccination, while the pharmaceutical industry increases pressure to remove those rights and obfuscate informed consent. Most of her time is spent educating and advocating amongst members of the legislature, both state and federal.

Jill is the mom of three beautiful children, each injured by childhood vaccines in various ways. She has been a full time homeschool mom for the last 14 years, and is married to an extremely supportive husband. Health and nutrition are her hobbies but tie in nicely with her advocacy work as well.

Dr. Sharnael Wolverton Sehon - Swiftfire International author , naturopathic doctor and conference speaker specializes in igniting all to TRUTH and TRUE wholeness path mind , body and Spirit. Dr. Sharnael has done this through speaking in over 44 countries , writing 5 books including “The Science of Miracles” , producing her Crystal Oils and Decree Deck and using online classes , social media and Swiftfire TrueTv .

Also found on
Her website
And Facebook

Telegram channel link
I invite you to transparent and honest conversation !


Link can also be found here in this private fb group “Divine Science “after the recording

The 🧬 Science of Miracles 💥📚 True Tv 📺 🔥

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