Chlorine Dioxide information

3 years ago

We need to have inexpensive and safe ways to help our immune systems.
I'm sharing information- and providing links so you can continue to do your own research. This is a part 2-
Part 1:

More links/info:
I'm just sharing a quick 2nd part to my video on ant!viral actions that Chl0r!rine D!ox!de has.
AND For when the C0rrupt P0wers who Be try to debunk this helpful research-
saying "Chlorine Dioxide is just chlorine- or it's toxic or ineffective ..."
HERE is the publication of An "Evaluation" of the effectiveness that Cl02 possesses against V!RUSES

Here is the full study:

Corrections!! at 3 min and 21 or so seconds, I mention "Sodium Dioxide" I meant "Chlorine" Dioxide my apologies.

So I've already seen blocking and censoring of vital h€alth information
they don't want you to know about.

Because if we ALL know how to €UR£ ourselves HOW could they ever Justify locking us in our homes or dragging us to F£MA camps or !inject!ng us with their p0!sons?? They Couldn't
They Need us to get the Ch!p!

So please- Arm yourselves with information, spirituality and inner strength to know the tru+h when you see it❤

I want to share this article as well. (MMS- I always was led to believe meant "Miracle Mineral Solution" but I've seen now it means Master Mineral Solution" so I'm not clear on exactly what MMS stands for.

Aloe vera is a glyconutrient. I add it to smoothies. It's a demulcent too- (soothing for mucus membranse or skin)

Diatomaceous earth- can help detox heavy metals.

Colloidal Silver

there are many things we can do to detox the poisons the tyrants of the world put into the toxic shots they are insisting everybody get. Please look at previous videos for more information. Here is a good link
for nano detox:

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