3 years ago

Federal Judge Rules DACA Illegal,. Abuse of minors at border detention facilities. The left's scheme to force all of us into submission by a full blown assault on our Constitutional Rights. 124 Military officers sign letter to the American people asking them to take a stand before we lose our Republic. Biden's bumbling, babbeling, incoharent speach is a clear example why he is unfit to be President, or hold any office of authority.
Vaccines for kids arre killing kids due to heart swelling, people are allowing their 2 month old babies to be vacccinated and used for research subjects to see how the vacccine will be safe for children, n ot having a clue if it will kill them. This is not science, this is child endangerment. Door to door vaccinations are now being implimented.
Sen. John Kennedy expose that the Biden Administration is paying people cash money to take surveys. Also, New California, to donate to the Water Relief Fund for Klamath Co, OR., and Lassen Co. CA. Sponsored by People's Rights OR6 and Citizens Against Terrorism (a 501(c)3 Charity). All donations are tax deductable.

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