The Only Way Forward is THROUGH The Media and Deep State Lies! Part 1 (EXPOSURE, Segment 6)

3 years ago

Meet Donie O'Sullivan of CNN. He mysteriously appeared at an event last October in which I was a featured speaker. I did not see him, meet him or know this CNN reporter was there when I spoke.

Only days before the FBI raided my home and pulled me over at gunpoint on a CA freeway on January 27th, O'Sullivan began attempting to contact me for an interview. I declined. When his segment appeared on CNN a week later, you'll never believe the lies he tells and the iconic figure he connects me to. There is no such thing as a coincidence. "All lies will be revealed."

FBI Leaks to Media to Bolster Search Warrants:

CNN / O'Sullivan Segment Connecting Me to QShaman:

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