Removing background in Paint 3D: Easiest and fastest way

3 years ago

Hi everyone welcome to another video from the Ultimate Tech Hub. Today we will show you how to super impose a picture on top of another picture using Magic Select in Paint 3D. So what can Magic Select do for you? Well first, you can select and remove a photo or an object from a scene, and put them in front of an entirely new background or backdrop, as I have done in this video example. It’s not entirely clear how Magic Select works but it does work well.

Adobe’s Magic Wand has typically looked for sharper differences in color and lighting as a way to perform edge detection which distinguishes one object from another. Magic Select appears to work in an equivalent fashion, so that a well-lit photo, with a clear contrast between objects, will provide the best results. This is by far the quickest and easiest way to do it. Just follow my simple steps. Thank you for being a part of The Ultimate Tech Hub Team and if you haven't Subscribed yet please do. Also if you like this video give a thumbs up and share it. Thanks again for watching the Ultimate Tech Hub Channel!

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