Proof as I said from the start dr fraud fauci wanted to inject the vaccine in all children

3 years ago

Operation let all liars and frauds speak this was always their intention from day one. They are trying to use the delta variant which has a mortally rate of 0.0.8 they are trying to lie to us again just as they have on many things including COVID 19.
They intend to use this vaccine on children as far as two years old and soon it will be pushed on new born children.
just like covid 19 has a 99.8 survival rate but the fake democrat paid for propaganda media wont tell you that.
They use covid 19 to fear monger you they prop up dr faud fauci as the so called expert that has been wrong on every prediction given by him.
He has been caught lying to the American people on his self admitted lies about mask.
his lies about funding the Wuhan lab on gain of function research. he lied to the congress and senate about the Wuhan lab funding.
so why would any person believe or take the word of this man.
i suggest you like up dr fauci on the aids outbreak. you will find some very telling accounts of this man since he has been in the NIH.the NIH has suffered for it.

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