Keep Fighting

3 years ago

Don't Let Go Now!
You may be exhausted from holding on to the promise, but this is where you strike and keep on striking. You are on the threshold of your breakthrough, you are about to charge over enemy garrisons and reclaim your well. Don't stop declaring. Don't stop partnering with what He has promised, for you will see His deliverance. You are not contending for your ancient wells alone, but for the ancient wells of the nations. A desperate and thirsty world is crying out for an authentic outpouring of His Spirit.
A world lost in chaos and confusion, taken captive by the mindsets and lies of the enemy, is crying out and thirsting for water...the water of His Spirit. It is up to you and I to lay our lives down and press into the longings of His Spirit, press into His promises and CHARGE on what is rightfully ours. These ancient wells are promises stored up in the heavenly realm for you, for your family, for your children and your children's children. When you strike the ground for them, you are going to see His Spirit pour out over your life and the lives of those around you.
The nations are waiting to drink from the rivers of His living water THROUGH YOUR LIFE. Are you willing to lay everything down for this cause of seeing His ancient wells bursting through you? The time is now!
Christy Johnston
Everyday Revivalists
Consuming Fire Worship

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