PREVIEW: A Shake-Up to Wake-Up

3 years ago

We are experiencing a "shaking" like never before in modern history.
The virus shutdown has spawned outrageous fear and panic as well as economic devastation, family upheaval, etc. Officials, elected and appointed, are pounding their chests with unfounded and unconstitutional directives.

The greatest abuse of power has been the shutdown of churches.
Historically, when the Word of God is no longer prominent in a nation, that nation can no longer stand because it has lost its backbone - its framework.

Much of the Church has lost its voice, becoming like Jonah, having lost its way - on the boat of the world's system of psychology - active, but on the way to Tarshish instead of Ninevah. Disobedience brings consequences. We don't need a new normal, we need a new ecclesia, a new church!

Our God-given mission has not changed!
We're here to obey God and restrain the anti-christ spirit in the earth. We're not here to capitulate with society and operate with man-made methods. The world needs the power and presence of God, not more performances from men.

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