EP 3 - Feeding Your Feedback Loops | Howtocodewell podcast

3 years ago

Let's talk about feedback loops when coding and developing web systems.

You will find both positive and negative feedback loops in many places in life. When writing a computer program or web system we can use feedback loops to inform us of system behaviour and system performance. We can also gather metrics from user journeys and customer interactions.

When debugging a problem in our code we start by generating feedback to narrow down the root cause of the issue. This often starts out as quite broad feedback loop and during the debugging process we start to narrow down the possible causes of the issue.

By knowing how to generate, find and control system feedback you will become a better developer as you will be able to identify system faults quicker. You will also commit the discovered feedback to memory and this experience will be carried with you to next project.

In this live stream I am going to talk about how to hone your skills in using feedback loops to become a better developer.

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