"Spirit Possession & Psychic Attack" - Psychic Surgeon Andy Porter Interview with Kristin Gillespie

3 years ago

Top Psychic Surgeon Andy Porter Interview with Kristin Gillespie

All you need to know about Psychic Attack & Spiritual Protection - crucial knowledge as lower-vibrational, fear-based frequencies are weaponised against us by “the powers that were” in this psycho-spiritual, information war occurring inter-dimensionally in our multiverse (as above, so below).

Andy & Kristin discuss the power elite, the hijacking of consciousness, energy vampirism, negative entity attachment, demonic possession, curses, witchcraft, ET implants, chords, ghosts, discarnate spirits, clearing ancestral traumas, ouija boards, mediumship, sovereignty checks, intention, crystals, black obsidian, shungite, protective pentagrams, misunderstood kundalini awakenings, schizophrenia & intrusive thoughts, ayahuasca, psychedelics, emotional manipulation, authenticity, identity crises, losing friends due to awakening, light bubbles, violet flame, multidimensionality & ascension.

Andrew Porter Psychic Surgeon, Channel “Chen,” Author “Chen’s Psychic & Spiritual Teachings”


Andrew Porter Psychic Surgeon has been working with his guide “Chen” since January 2008 performing Psychic Surgery workshops, talks and demonstrations working with clients from all over the world.Andrew has set up the UK’s first Psychic Surgery organisation called “UUPS” Unity Of UK Psychic Surgeons and has also written a channelled book answering many spiritual questions with guidance from his guide “Chen”. This book also answers many questions people on a spiritual path often ask.As well as psychic surgery Andrew is currently focusing his work in the area of Auditory Voice Hallucinations, (people that are hearing voices). Hearing Voices is a huge problem across the world and one that has affected many families.Andrew is working alongside Dr Terence Palmer who is arguably the foremost authority in the United Kingdom on this subject of people hearing voices. These people suffer from intrusive thoughts, anxiety and depression and is a growing problem in every country across the globe especially in the younger generation. It affects every country and has very detrimental effects of the mental health system a problem that is sure to increase exponentially due primarily to recreational drug use in society.Andrew has recently started to offer “Spiritual Health Checks” as a great way to clear your etheric field from negative energy, entities, and earthbound spirits.Working as a UK Psychic Surgeon with his spirit guide “Chen” enables Andrew to find the source of many problems that have a spiritual source.

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