Objectivity of Rife Plasma Therapy with Bio-Impedance Spectroscopy (BIS) Analysis

3 years ago

We objectify Rife Plasma Therapy treatments with Bioelectrical Impedance Spectroscopy (BIS) analysis and by measuring the 'Phase Angle' (PA) of cells. BIS is THE MOST ADVANCED technology on earth in breaking down muscle, fat, fluid and bone to within 60 gm of their mass. We use a SOZO BIS device. In a strictly non-invasive way, you simply stand on the device in bare feet and hands to gather your biological data.

Our primary interest lies in something our SOZO BIS device can very accurately measure, called ‘Phase Angle’ (PA). PA essentially is a broad measure or Snapshot of cellular charge and how efficiently your cells clear toxins, nutrients, fluids, etc across cell membranes.

Health and Eternity is a Naturopathic Clinic in Gippsland, 100km east of Melbourne, Australia, focusing on treatment using all-natural & safe Ayurvedic medicinal herbal principles, coupled with modern-day advances in research, science & technology (German sound technology CRT2000 Thermography, Bioelectrical Impedance Spectroscopy & Rife Plasma Therapy, etc).

35+ years of Naturopathic practice confirms meaningful Anti-Ageing is achievable with Rife Plasma Therapy, Ayurvedic herbs, Diet AND Homeopathy.

Learn more about how we objectify Rife Plasma Therapy treatments with BIS here:

Learn more about Rife Plasma Therapy, All-Encompassing Healing & the All-Encompassing Ayurvedic Space (Akasha) element here:

Learn more about our practice here -
the Health and Eternity website:

For more information on the science and true history of Dr. Royal Raymond Rife:​

Warmest regards to all,
Glen F Rees BSc., N.D. (Naturopath)
Ph: 1300 742-583 B/H

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