This Magpie Bird 🐦

3 years ago

User ‘shura84’ found this magpie in her yard when the bird was just a fledgling and ended up raising the unfortunate bird. The magpie ended back up in the wild, where she belongs, but the bird was given a name that she responds to and every time the woman calls her name, she comes flying down to the woman’s window and even enters the house!

All of this wouldn’t be such a surprise, if it wasn’t the one thing that sets this bird apart from the others. You see, magpies have long been known as clever mimics, not afraid to tackle the call of another species of bird, or even the sound of a tractor, but to actually learn to mimic the sound of a small child, even talk back like a parakeet
, is unreal! At one point in the second half of the video, it even seems that the bird keeps repeating “mama" to the woman, over and over.

It would have been cute, if the sound the bird is making didn’t resemble eerily close to that of Victorian dolls - those same ones that so many horror movies are made around. Imagine hearing that in the middle of the night!

This woman can keep her laughing, talking magpie. We think we will stick to those back-stabbing felines as pets.

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