Free Jullian Assange

3 years ago

Let's make this a trifecta of coming victories.

The FBI's lead informant, and basis for the DOJs hacking charges, recanted his testimony and admitted in a media interview to fabricating evidence in exchange for an immunity deal from the US.

They must drop the case.

Assange is being prosecuted, at this point, entirely on the basis of having published evidence of US war crimes (which included the wholesale murder of journalists and women and children).
He won his extradition case and the US DoJ is embarrassing this country and each of us as citizens by continuing to appeal the decision and force an extradition.
They are after the legal precedent to extrajudicially extract and imprison anyone who would publish their crimes. We must not allow them to win this fight.

Make a call, join the fight to free the World.
Together, we are winning.
DOJ NatSec Division(They Oversee the actual case!)
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