Random Facts About The World You Wont Hear In School

3 years ago

Do you have a friend of yours who always knows everything better than the rest? Everyone has that friend! But no worries, you can impress him/her too. Just pay attention to these curious facts about our world that'll enrich your outlook!

For example, The Statue of Liberty - it's been standing there for more than 130 years. We know, it's green and pretty big, we know it has a crown and a torch. But that's not it: this statue has some details you probably never paid attention to. If you take a look at its feet, you'll notice Morton't toe - it's a condition, when the second toe is longer than the big toe. It's pretty rare - as only 10% have it. Moreover, in Ancient Greece it was a beauty standard. What if the Lady is Greek, after all?

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