Remembering God in a Culture That Has Forgotten Him, sermon audio, July 2017

3 years ago

Remember Jesus Christ, risen from the dead, descendant of David... (2 Tim. 2:8).

Is it too late for us to repent and return to God? Much of America's true history has been rewritten or forgotten, and worse, we have turned our backs on the God who made us, preserved us, and protected this nation in its short history.

The underground church in places such as China are growing and yet, here in America, numbers are decreasing. Why? We have forgotten God and have put ourselves and Americanized Christianity above seeking His presence.

Listen to quotes from several founders and early settlers as well as Scriptures that inspired men of God in the early days in America.

“It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ. For that reason alone, people of other faiths have been afforded freedom of worship here. …Were my soul trembling on the wing of eternity, were this hand freezing to death, were my voice choking with the last struggle, I would still, with the last gasp of that voice, implore you to remember the truth: God has given America to be free.” - Patrick Henry, lawyer and Founding Father, perhaps most known for saying, “Give me liberty or give me death.”

SCRIPTURES referenced:
Psalm 77:11-12
Revelation 3:3
Matthew 5:14-15
John 17:3
Psalm 11:3
Joshua 24:15-16, 22-24
Judges 2:6-12
Psalm 80:3

Sermon by David Fiorazo. Presented at CrossPoint Church, DePere, Wisconsin, July 2, 2017.

Jul 5, 2017

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