MEDICAL AUTHORITARIANISM Door to door vaccination. ASL

3 years ago

Rough Transcript:
Over the last 2 months many of the mandates and edicts issued over COVID-19 have been removed. The unsuccessful lockdowns and mask wearing efforts are largely over in the US. Cases and deaths have continued to fall and are now trickling along at very low numbers compared to the winter peak.The 7-day average daily deaths with COVID is now around 200 vs. the peak in January of over 3000. With all of that in mind, it does make the recent rhetoric and proposals around the vaccine effort seem more nefarious than altruistic. Rhetoric means “language designed to have a persuasive or impressive effect on its audience, but often regarded as lacking in sincerity or meaningful content. “ They are now trying to have celebrities, especially younger ones, share vaccation messages. Just last week Biden and his press secretary mentioned that they planned to send out “strike forceteams” to knock on people’s doors about taking the jab. Now this week, Politico is reporting that the administration is leaning on social media companies and SMS carriers to censor “vaccine disinformation.” The government is not just in your DM’s, but is now planning to read and censor your text messages. On CNN, Dr. Leena Wen said, “It needs to be hard for people to remain unvaccinated. Right now it’s kind of the opposite. Unvaccinated Americans are still allowed freedom. But at some point these mandates, by workplaces, by schools, I think it will be important to say, ‘Hey, you can opt out, but if you want to opt out, you have sign these forms, you have to get twice-weekly testing.’ Basically, we need to make getting vaccinated the easy choice.”Also on CNN, Dr. Fauci made an appearance to claim that he was horrified by the thought of people not wanting the vaccine. He then pushed for local vaccine mandates. “I have been of this opinion and I remain of that opinion, that there should be more mandates. There really should be.We’re talking about a life-and-death situation.” In summary, the medical establishment is pushing for total destruction of the Bill of Rights and the American way of life, in order to inject everyone with these experimental drugs. This is supposedly all to stop a virus that currently has a death rate almost 10X lower than heart disease. Americans must realize that once their bodily autonomy has been handed over to these tyrants for COVID, it has been handed over for anything else as well. America, please do not venture out onto this steep and slick slope. Already I heard stories of North Carolina having a squad going out door to door WITH the ability to give you the jab right there! No pressure at all! Yeah, right. What will happen after NC? Will the Government, if no resistance, continue their door to door with JAB to other states and all over? We shall see...
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