Wounding Waters Part 2: Social Status 1/2

3 years ago

Wounding Waters Part 2: Social Status 1/2

October 14, 2013

Welcome to Heartdwellers. This is our second video teaching in a series of five, which addresses ways that the Church is worldly, and this has to do with social status. Let's get right into it.

Social status and order are important, as it applies to the world and the way things are categorized and held together. That's very important. However, when it comes to His Church, the Lord abhors social status, and things being done the same way that they're done in the world.

We've grown up since childhood being taught the world's ways of measuring Man; these things go deep! From the earliest age we are taught: this is proper; this is improper. This is a person to look up to; this is a person not to look up to.

Most of the time, the standards are worldly, and they're not spiritual. Let's take a look at the differences that are there. We've all heard that expression that "Man's ways are not God's ways," so we know right away that God has one yardstick; Man has another yardstick. Usually, on Man's marker, it has to do with being beautiful or being ugly; rich or poor; intelligent or slow; talented or lackluster; high-born or lowborn.

On Earth, the most powerful and talented people are often the most ruthless in defending their title, and that is not necessarily what the Lord wants us to be like. But what are the markers on God's yardstick?

Let's go ahead and read Matthew: 18:

At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, "Who, then, is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven?" He called a little child to him and placed the child among them, and He said, "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven."

That's pretty interesting. What are the characteristics of a child, versus the characteristics of an adult? Well, for instance, children tend to be innocent; adults tend to size up situations, be calculating and deliberate. Children are accepting, and they don't ask a lot of questions; adults are more judgmental and discriminating. Children are without guile; Man is more cautious and subtle in how he deals with other people, and in sizing them up. Children are transparent; men and women are guarded, and sometimes evasive. Children tend to be loving and accepting when they're young, unless they've been taught something different; adults look more at ulterior motives, and they are more opportunistic. We size situations up, and we decide whether this is something that is going to benefit us.

For instance, children tend to be candid. Sometimes, they say the rudest things - things that you wish that they had never said - but they say them completely out of candor and simplicity of heart. I'm reminded of a story that my husband told once, about a preacher man in the South being invited to dinner. At the dinner table, a large chicken had been cooked and everybody had eaten a piece of it, but there was a tiny bit left over. The woman putting on the dinner said, "Well, Preacher, we're always so glad when you come over to eat dinner with us! We are so happy when you do that!" And the little child pops up and says, "No, you ain't, Momma! You told me that all he's gonna do is come over here, and eat all our chicken!"

That is just so typical of a child! They are so innocent and without guile. They say the silliest things sometimes, and really embarrass their parents. You have to be careful about what you say around your children, because it's very likely to be repeated. Even more important than that, however, you should be careful what you say at all, because the Lord and His angels are always listening in.

I want to tell you another story about Rick Joyner's trip to Heaven. Rick had an experience where he was taken to Heaven, and there was a man in Heaven that he recognized. He was sitting on the throne, and Rick said, "I know you from somewhere." The man replied, "Yes, you do. Do you mean you remember me?" Rick says, "Yeah. I know you from somewhere." The man said, "Well, I'm the ragged street preacher who was on the street, homeless, that you passed by in the bus station once." And Rick was terribly, terribly embarrassed, because when he had passed by that street preacher, he said to his companion something on the order of, "Oh! There's another one! It's gonna turn people off. Cuz they're out there on the street corners preaching! It's another one of those!" And he kept on walking.

Well, I think that Rick had a vision about this person. Later, he thought that when he saw him, he kind of recognized him; but he brushed it aside, as we often do with visions. We don't always take them seriously. Well, now he's in Heaven, and the angels are waiting on this man. He's sitting on a throne, and the angels are busy, coming and going, and doing all kinds of things for him that he's directing them to do. Rick is amazed by this, because - well - he had judged him by society's standards, and now the Lord was showing him the Lord's standards!

He asked the Lord, "Why is this man so important in Heaven?" The Lord replied, "Well, this man - I only gave him one grace, but he used that grace to the maximum! This man saved the life of another man. He gave his life to keep a man who was drunk on the street, alive; to keep him warm. He laid on top of this man through the night to keep him warm - but, in the process of doing that he, himself, died."

We're going to take a deep look at the Lord's standards, because right now we're in a world where it's easy to get by with the world's standards in the world. But pretty soon that's going to be stripped away. For some of you, it may be today; for some of us, it might be today or tomorrow; or it may not be for another twenty years. But the point is, we're going to have to confront the social standards of Heaven and the Lord, and we're going to be comparing how we acted - and how the Holy Spirit wanted us to act. This could be a very distressing moment in our lives - a very, very distressing moment. So, this is something we want to look at now, before we get to that point where we're confronted with it, but we can't do anything about it, because we can't change.

Let's look at the choices that God the Father made in bringing Jesus into the world. The Lord came as an example of holiness and of what God was like. Before this, people had a vision of God the Father - YHWH - in Heaven, on a throne, filled with power and might! But God had a deep need not only to save mankind and to die on the Cross, but He had a deep need to communicate His personality to the people on Earth. So, God incarnates and Jesus comes and sets an example of holiness for all of Man.

Now this gets really interesting! This is something that we should really meditate on. For parents, He chose the working class. He wasn't guarded in a royal nursery. Rather, He was a fugitive on the run from a very early age, from when He was a baby. His crib was a trough for cattle feed. I don't know if you ever looked at one of those carefully, but we raised horses and it's full of slobber - not exactly neat and tidy and sanitary. It's pretty lowly, as far as furniture goes. His bedding was rough straw, and I don't know if you've ever laid on straw, but it's very scratchy and rough and it pokes you in different places - it's not comfortable at all! As far as education went, he was home-schooled.

Here's where reality really takes a dive, as far as 'out of reality.' For the Lord's PR team, He chose an uncultured, long-haired non-conformist, living-on-a-raw-food diet and crying-out-in-the-wilderness, "Repent!" I can think of some people who resemble this description right now, and someone like that is totally without credibility to the rest of the world. So, once again, He was living in the wilderness on a raw-food diet crying out, "Repent." There was no Rolls Royce, no armed guards, no formal parade with floats and dancers. Rather, His entrance was meek and submissive.

The ritual washing of baptism for repentance He had no need of - except to set an example for us. For His companions, He had men with calloused hands from drawing in nets. Their clothing reeked of fish entrails. Their faces were wind-burned and rough. A motley crew, to say the least, and eminently unqualified to govern God's Church.

They were not college-educated, except for the one who betrayed Him. They were not influential princes from royal families or fabulously wealthy merchants. They were basically 'blue collar' workers - just regular guys.

Here we are looking at the example that the Lord set. His clothing was rough and poor, not priestly. And so often people choose clothing as an expression of how they want to be seen. When I think about it, Jesus was singularly unimpressive in every single thing He did - except for the miracles, the healings. He was very unimpressive in His presentation to the world.

Now, for us who are called by His name and living by His example, how will we get mansions, Rolls Royces, chauffeurs, private jets, and clothes from Nieman Marcus? I don't know. How do we get that out of this example? This is a real contrast, and this kind of contrast is something that we're going to be looking at in Heaven when we stand before the Lord.

Isaiah even told the religious leaders what to be looking for. He said,

He grew like a tender shoot, like a root out of dry ground. He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to Him, nothing in His appearance that we should desire Him. He was despised and rejected by mankind. Rejected like one from who people hide their faces. He was despised, and we held Him in low esteem. Isaiah 53:2

The Pharisees were forewarned by Isaiah what the Messiah would look like, and He fit every one of those descriptions so beautifully when He stood in front of Pilate and the High Priest. Only a very few - like Nicodemus and a few others, really, really recognized who He was and how perfectly He conformed to Isaiah's prophecy about Him.

Here's the big question: usually when we have an important mission, we think that we're going to start it off with a big bang. So, why in the world would He choose to look like a common man, whom most would consider a loser? He's certainly not any person of note, or any person of import. So, why? Why would He choose to look that way?

Let's look at some of the possible reasons. Could it be that He was setting an example of holiness that anyone - even the most common man - could easily attain? Is that possible? Could it be, that the class system that the Pharisees operated under was an empty pretense that consistently mislead the people and quenched the Spirit of God? That's a possibility, too! Or could it be that He was presenting the only necessary thing?

Let's take a look at Luke 10:

They were getting ready for dinner, and Mary was immersed in every word the Lord spoke, while Martha was a whirlwind in the kitchen. So, Martha came up to Him and said, "Lord, why do you not care that my sister has left me to do all the serving alone? Tell her to help me." But the Lord answered and said to her, "Martha, Martha! You're worried about so many things, but only one thing is necessary. For Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her."

Could it be that the Pharisees were wholly taken up with so many things that they didn't have the discernment to recognize the Messiah? Obviously, they were very busy, and obviously there was a very strong political undercurrent in the temple. They lived and judged according to the flesh, so they couldn't recognize Him by the Spirit - that's a possibility. I believe that it's all of the above: Jesus set an example of holiness that anyone could follow, anyone could attain; He rejected a class system that reeked of the world and was at enmity with the Spirit.

These religious professionals were very busy weighing the cost of their mint and cumin. They didn't have time for God. They were strangers to Him. However, later on in the Scriptures, the Lord says,

"But you are not of my father. Your father is the devil." John 8:44

Well, the devil is the prince of this world, isn't he? It all fits together and makes a great deal of sense.

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