21 Proven Dark Chocolate Benefits I Benefits of Cacao Powder

3 years ago

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Do you like Chocolate? In today’s video, we’ll talk about Dark Chocolate Benefits. So let's get into the topic.
Buy Dark Chocolate: https://amzn.to/3hFzfQw
Let’s see the 21 amazing benefits of dark chocolate. Watch the video till the end.

Number 1. Dark Chocolate is Very Nutritious.
A 100-gram bar of dark chocolate with 70–85% cocoa contains 11 grams of fiber, 67% of the RDI for iron, 58% of the RDI for magnesium, 89% of the RDI for copper, 98% of the RDI for manganese. It also has plenty of potassium, phosphorus, zinc, and selenium.
It also contains stimulants like caffeine and theobromine but is unlikely to keep you awake at night as the amount of caffeine is very small compared to coffee.

2. Dark Chocolate is a Powerful Source of Antioxidants.
Antioxidants neutralize free radicals and prevent oxidative stress.
Over time, the effects of oxidative stress may also contribute to the development of a variety of diseases, such as Heart disease, Diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, Cancer, Eye Disease.

3. Dark Chocolate Improves Blood Flow and Lower Blood Pressure.
One of the functions of Nitric Oxide is to send signals to the arteries to relax, which lowers the resistance to blood flow and therefore reduces blood pressure.
The flavanols in dark chocolate can stimulate the endothelium, the lining of arteries, to produce nitric oxide.

4. Dark Chocolate Raises HDL and Protects LDL From Oxidation.
Cocoa powder significantly decreases oxidized LDL cholesterol in men. It also increased HDL and lowered total LDL for those with high cholesterol. Oxidized LDL means that the LDL has reacted with free radicals.

5. Dark Chocolate Reduce Heart Disease Risk.
Yet another study showed that eating dark chocolate more than 5 times per week lowered the risk of heart disease by 57%.
Another study revealed that eating chocolate two or more times per week lowered the risk of having calcified plaque in the arteries by 32%.
In a study of 470 elderly men, cocoa was found to reduce the risk of death from heart disease by a whopping 50% over 15 years.
In the long term, this should cause much less cholesterol to lodge in the arteries, resulting in a lower risk of heart disease.
6. Dark Chocolate Protect Your Skin From the Sun.
a. Protects Against UV Damage.
b. Fights Ageing.
c. Hydrates the Skin.
d. Makes You Look Younger.
e. Prevents Collagen Breakdown.

7. Dark Chocolate Improve Brain Function.
One study of healthy volunteers showed that eating high-flavanol cocoa for five days improved blood flow to the brain.
Cocoa may also significantly improve cognitive function in elderly people with mental impairment. It may improve verbal fluency and several risk factors for disease, as well.
Additionally, cocoa contains stimulant substances like caffeine and theobromine, which may be a key reason why it can improve brain function in the short term.

Feeling Bored??? Hope Not! If not, then please continue for the last 14 benefits of cacao powder.

8. Dark Chocolate Improve Blood Sugar Levels and Reduce the Risk of Developing Diabetes.
In a study published in October 2017, the Journal of Community and Hospital Internal Medicine Perspectives, the flavonoids in dark chocolate was found to reduce oxidative stress, which scientists think is the primary cause of insulin resistance.
The research findings suggest that eating 48 g of 70-percent dark chocolate each day may help lower fasting glucose levels and reduce insulin resistance.
Insulin resistance can cause abnormally high levels of blood glucose, which can lead to prediabetes and type 2 diabetes.

9. It Fights Free Radicals and Plays a Role in Cancer Prevention.
Dubost says, “When you have too many free radicals in your body, they start to attack your cells, and that can lead, over time, to low-grade inflammation and some diseases — cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s”.
Some studies, such as one published in the Journal of the American Society of Hypertension, have shown that people who eat many flavonoids or antioxidant-rich chocolate develop fewer cancers than those who don’t consume them.

10. Fetal growth and development.
According to a study presented at the 2016 Pregnancy Meeting of the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine in Atlanta, GA-Eating 30 g (about one ounce) of chocolate every day during pregnancy might benefit fetal growth and development.

11. Athletic Performance.
Researchers who studied cyclists doing time trials in the United Kingdom found that "After eating dark chocolate, the riders used less oxygen when cycling at a moderate pace and also covered more distance in a two-minute flat-out time trial".
Findings published in The Journal of the International Society of Sports, Nutrition suggest that a little dark chocolate might boost oxygen availability during fitness training.

12. Dark Chocolate Can Help Control Your Cough.
One of the chemicals in cocoa, theobromine, is known to antagonize the activity of the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve is a part of your brain and its activation can trigger coughing fits. A study on chocolate's effects as a cough-suppressant found it to be more effective than common cold medicines, even ones containing codeine, a weak narcotic.
13. Dark Chocolate Can Help Prevent Depression.
Dark Chocolate Contains Theobromine, Anandamide, and Phenethylamine. These 3 elements prevent depression and boost mood.

14. Dark Chocolate Can Help Prevent Cardiovascular Disease.
However, the consistent and repeated positive results in studies done on cocoa indicate that chocolate does have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.
Small-scale studies have indicated for quite some time that regular intake of cocoa can have a positive effect in fighting cardiovascular disease.
A more recent study on cocoa's cardiovascular benefits, done in 2006, proved this among a larger study group of 470 men, all tested while consuming different daily doses of cocoa.

Thinking to stop the video? Don't do so! Still remains 7 health benefits of dark chocolate. So carry on.

15. Dark Chocolate Can Promote Red Blood Cell Distribution.
Dark chocolate is shown to aid in the distribution of red blood cells. Regular consumption of dark chocolate can improve the red blood cell distribution width.

16. Dark Chocolate Boosts Your Immune System.
Cocoa can modulate the inflammatory response of your immune system. Inflammation is tissue's response to pathogens, chemicals, wounding, or infections. Cocoa can have a beneficial effect on certain cells that produce antibodies. Cocoa helps the lymphoid organs produce cells more effectively, leading to a better defense against disease.

17. Dark Chocolate can improve eyesight.
Forget carrots. According to research published in the journal Physiology & Behavior -dark chocolate can improve your eyesight too. The researchers found that participants who consumed dark chocolate with 720 mg of cocoa flavanols experienced enhanced visual performance—like detecting motion and reading low contrast letters—likely due to the increased blood flow to the retina and brain.

18. It Contributes to Weight Loss.
Neuroscientist Will Clower, Ph.D., wrote a whole book on the subject called Eat Chocolate, Lose Weight, which describes how eating a bit of dark chocolate before or after meals triggers hormones that signal to the brain you’re full. Of course, eating more than the recommended amount per day can counteract any potential weight loss. Also, they are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) which stimulate metabolism to burn fat.

19. Safeguards against Neurological Diseases.
Dark chocolate can increase cerebral blood flow due to its substantial flavanol content which may help thwart age-related memory weakening. It also extends extensive protection to neurons in the nervous system and brain thereby preventing Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

20. Some Benefits of Dark Chocolates for Hair are:
a. Improves Blood Circulation to the Scalp.
b. Protects Against Dandruff.
c. Makes Hair Lustrous.

21. Dark Chocolate Is Good for Your Gut.

Studies cited in an article published in the journal Frontiers in Pharmacology furthermore noted that during digestion, chocolate behaves like a prebiotic, a type of fiber that, encourages the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut.

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