More Clarity for Texas: July 14, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

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More Clarity for Texas: July 14, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

I offered some more clarity last night on the Monday night teleconference and spelled it out as clearly as I could.
Eric Dingus threatened your first Coordinator, Le Laroi, and forced her to step down. We didn't know that at the time, but that's what happened. He then recommended Kim for the Coordinator slot and Kim was then put in place. Kim is a very able administrator and got things better organized; we were grateful for that.
Time went on and things weren't ringing true about Eric and his activities. We conducted a two month investigation into what he was actually doing and saying and found out that not only was he not following the directions we gave him and not doing the work we assigned, he was actually promoting his own separate and very dangerous agenda --- an agenda that would have given the Feds the excuse they need to crush us and accuse us of being insurrectionists.
He was also meeting one-on-one with FBI Agents in various locations -- Oklahoma City, Denver, some known FBI Safe Houses. If he had been on the up and up with us, any meetings with the FBI wouldn't have been in secret and he would have brought along at least one of the other members of the PKTF or the Marshals Service as a witness, but he always went alone. We later received affirmation from sources within the FBI that he was considered "an asset" and that he had been working for them and selling them information about the Texas Militias for years, and also working in plain clothes for the DEA.
It took considerable delving, and being me, I didn't want to hurt anyone who was possibly innocent, but the red flags kept piling up. He recommended that we put all our important private information on a Canadian system --- even though Canada is always the backdoor for MI6 to spy on us. Wouldn't they just love to have access and control of all our private communications? From my lips to the Queen's ears; though in fact I have no qualms about what I say to her or her government, a proposal that we expose ourselves in such a fashion didn't sit right.
Next, upon examination of current activities it was apparent that Eric had been in the middle of ousting Coordinators and replacing them with his own candidates. In Utah, the Coordinator was very feisty and Unknown Parties came onto her property in the middle of the night and installed a bunker full of guns to frame her (and us) --- apparently planning to pull a Ruby Ridge style attack on her. We got wind of that and forced her to resign for her own safety and sent out our own agents to make sure that she was safe and that the focus had shifted from Utah. We found out that FBI Agents had been involved and that State of Utah front end loaders and thumb buckets had been used to dig the hole and install the gun bunker.

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