Balance & Flexibility (While Aging)

3 years ago

The young and athletic tend to take them for granted. Then, as we age we slowly and imperceptibly lose balance and flexibility until basic tasks and movements become challenging. After many years of not working out, when I started again at age 49 I realized how much my athleticism was diminished. Now in my mid-50s I'm determined to improve and then maintain these attributes as long as possible in order to maximize the quality of my later years. Note that I have permanent low-back damage from too many years working as a roofer, and I therefor have almost zero lumbar mobility, but I'm gradually regaining T-spine mobility. Since my hamstring flexibility is coming along nicely I plan to start working more on my quads, lats, chest, and other muscles. While the process can be very slow and tedious, I highly recommend it for anyone who wants to feel and move better as they age. As for practicing balance, it's a great way to avoid slips, trips, and falls. And, it's kind of cool to be able to do movements and static holds as an old codger that I couldn't do when I was young!

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