The Holy Spirit at Work in You: Leading You Into All Truth

3 years ago

Do you know the most important way the holy spirit works within you? Just how does the holy spirit guide the renewal of your mind after the pattern of Jesus Christ? Get answers in this important message.

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The holy spirit is at work in you in a wide variety of ways: It brings good things into your life and mind, such as: conviction, faith, understanding, discernment, courage, endurance and more.

The holy spirit also produces attitudes,ways of thought, and action, such as: love, peace, joy, humility, kindness, gentleness, patience, goodness, kindness, etc. These are examples of "thinking like God", and they form the foundation of life everlasting, the bedrock principles of the kingdom of God, and positive participation in the family of God.

In both areas of activity the holy spirit works through the written word of God, which is the bible. Our purpose today is to review the work of holy spirit which is involved in our understanding of God’s word.

Jesus tells us that God's word is spirit, and God's word is truth. Further more it is "God Breathed" ... meaning it is a communication to us from the Creator... no word prophecy comes to us from the mind of human beings but from God. So we ought to pay it heed.

One of the primary workings of the spirit is to make possible the transforming of your mind into the image of Christ... which He does, by His spirit, which washes you in the word Ephesians 5:25-27.

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