The Spiritual Temple of God - Haggai's Message

3 years ago

The message of the prophet Haggai speaks to the living spiritual temple of God as much as the old Jerusalem Temple. The spiritual temple of God is alive and well in the 21st century. Living stones are still added daily to the foundation stone which is Christ.

The cornerstone and foundation is Christ and the members of God's Church are built up into a spiritual temple as living stones 1 Peter 2:4-5.

This understanding allows us to see the instructions and history of the physical temple in Jerusalem as having meaning and application for us today. The message of Haggai to the people tasked with rebuilding the temple in 520 B.C. is filled with inspiration and warnings. Those inspiring and warning words offer us much needed course correction and guidance.

Living stones are still being added to God’s new covenant temple. God still calls, chooses, and transforms people. We still have work to do in preparing a people for the day Christ returns.

Haggais message is a message of restoration and rebuilding. The full and complete restoration will come and it will begin with the return of Christ in power and glory. For it says "in that day" the kingdoms, governments, armies of humanity separated from God will be brushed aside and replaced by coming king of kings, and Lord of Lords.

Glory will be revealed… Peace will be administered through righteous rule with Christ as king of kings, and those who are Christ’s at His return seated at His right had as kings and priests.

The very people… who are now the little flock… who are being restored and rebuilt and prepared for the coming of the King.

Learn more about the origins of the modern day Church of God with this informative booklet The Church Jesus Built -

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