The King of Kings Will Return: He Will Rule From Mount Zion

3 years ago

Are you ready and prepared for the return of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords? Some will be protected from the wrath of God which comes when Christ returns... some will not be protected. Now is the time for you to come into the shelter of His presence.

The seven trumpets of revelation will sound and when the 7th and last trumpet of God shall sound to proclaim Christ's return as lord of lords and king of kings. He will bring with Him the rule of God to be administered on earth. All governments and social institutions will be under His authority. Babylon will be condemned and subject to destruction.

However, humanity will not give up their dominion on earth without a fight. As the 7 bowls of God's wrath are poured out the offer of repentance and protection is offered. Some will repent and be protected {the 144,000 and the mixed multitude]. But most will not and the armies will gather at Armageddon to fight against Christ at the time of His second coming.

The battle will ensue in the valley of Jehoshaphat which is the modern day Kidron Valley located between Mt. Zion and the Mount of Olives east of Jerusalem. In the bible it is also called the Valley of Decision.

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