3 years ago

https://www.bitchute.com/video/TuTxFofKmj12/Sidney Powell States Her Election Fraud Case In Front Of Judge, Takes Full Responsibility https://www.redvoicemedia.com/2021/07/sidney-powell-states-her-election-fraud-case-in-front-of-judge-takes-full-responsibility-video/ "Sidney Powell is the KRAKEN. Sidney speaks TRUTH." ~ Lin Wood

We welcome an opportunity to actually prove our case. No court has ever given us that opportunity.

“The radical Obama-appointed federal judge Linda Parker is currently hearing the sanctions case against former federal prosecutors Sidney Powell and Lin Wood, along with local attorney Stefanie Lambert who filed the suit on behalf of the Plaintiffs.

Michigan’s dishonest Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, who, along with Michigan’s tyrannical governor, was listed as a defendant in the original King et al. vs. Whitmer case, was clearly confident of the outcome of today’s case, as she tweeted a link to the live hearing.” https://dockets.justia.com/docket/michigan/miedce/2:2020cv13134/350905

At the end of that hearing, Sidney Powell got to say a few words…

"Spreading TRUTH really irritates the enemy. The enemy hates light shining on darkness. The claim Is that I violated a judge’s order that prohibited a “broadcast” of the Michigan sanctions hearing. Wait. I did not “broadcast the hearing. The judge did so when she broadcast it on YouTube! So I had to spend too much time today dealing with a distraction created by the enemy. But I did find time to put some significant pieces of the “Attack Lawyers Who Support Trump” puzzle together! So it was a good day! Now time to rest. Who knows what adventures tomorrow will bring?!? Probably a rash of Mockingbird propaganda rag articles headlined, “Conspiracy Theorist Lying Trump Lawyer Lin Wood Charged With Criminal Contempt.” All in a day’s work... God bless each of you. Lin" https://t.me/linwoodspeakstruth/3988

MSNBC just had corrupt Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson on their program. They pushed an absolute lie, claiming that Sidney Powell and her team argued that “lawyers have a 1st Amendment right to lie in court.” This is absolutely preposterous. [Their] panic is palpable. Enjoy the show 🍿 VIDEO https://t.me/TheStormHasArrived17/4102

Source, Red Voice Media https://www.redvoicemedia.com/2021/07/sidney-powell-states-her-election-fraud-case-in-front-of-judge-takes-full-responsibility-video/
Sarah Snyder Trusts The Plan info:
Hello, welcome to my channel. My job is to spread truth as He shows me, to my brothers and sisters here on earth. I’m a YUGE Q/Trump supporter. Q called my family and I “VIP Patriots! We see you.” in post #2105. I still trust the plan!! It’s God’s plan!! It’s BRILLIANT!! What a war of info going on right now! Please share this, I’m trying to upload when I can. I was recently censored then banned for life from YouTube. My channel was called “Sarah Snyder Trusts The Plan”. They also took access to my backup channel away but “Sarah Snyder Still Trusts The Plan” (lol) is still up on YouTube, I just can’t access it at all. Thanks YouTube. It’s been quite a gut punch because I didn’t have my 900 video’s backed up and most regrettably, lost video of my daughter, family and new fur baby’s =( I will update later. I’ve not yet made my own video and I apologize. Right now I think it’s more important to get out all this vital information. Thank you so much for stopping by! Please “like”, share and subscribe for more great info!!
I can not figure out Telegram yet but I’m there, somewhere. Lol….Sarah Snyder Trusts The Plan, I think.
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