Our Ancestors Story / Cheri L. Cannon / TullyRinckeyPLLC

3 years ago

Attorneys Act Laws Rule 19.308.4, Tully Rinckey PLLC, Tully Legal, California, New Jersey, New York, Washington DC, Virginia, Maryland, Ohio, North Carolina, South Carolina, America, United States, USA, Mike Collins Fallings, Stephanie Rapp Tully, Steven Herrick, My family are Descendants slave please explain in writing why did your Lawfirm submitted a falsified documents please explain in writing also please explain why settlement never paid and why Arbitrator Raymond Fay from New Jersey never appeared in any schedule hearing and why Cheri Cannon never appeared I paid $30,555.90 in advance and why I am not provided a copy of the legal contract and why no receipts in amount of $30,555.90 please explain to the DCBAR, Office Disciplinary BAR Counsel, Attorneys Grievance BAR Counsel, US SUPREME COURT please explain in writing, Raffy Tulfo In Action, Jessica Soho, US SENATE, US CONGRESS, US VETERAN SPOUSE LIVE MATTER, President Trump, President Duterte, President Biden, USAJOBS, Employment, Discrimination

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