“The Curvature of Space-Time, Evolution of Consciousness & ETs” Sperry Andrews Full Interview

3 years ago

Join Consciousness Pioneer Sperry Andrews as he Reverse Engineers the Fabric of Space-Time, explains the Metaphysical Infrastructure of Reality & even talks about his own personal Multidimensional Experiences of Sharing Awareness with Otherworldly Beings.

Sperry Andrews, Founder, The Human Connection Institute, Advisory Board Member, Lifeboat Foundation & Artist
- https://www.connectioninstitute.org

More from Sperry himself:

“As formless awakeness, without a body, heart, or mind in an N.D.E. at age four, and as an experiential scientist since 1983, I have been exploring humanity’s capacity to share a commonly-sensed consciousness.

I collaborated for five years with an award-winning experimental psychologist, Dr. William Braud, a senior research associate at the Mind Science Foundation (MSF), a 61- year old privately endowed institute based in San Antonio, Texas—utilizing a multidisciplinary approach to the scientific study of human, animal, and machine communication anomalies.

As an adjunct research associate, I helped pioneer the field of Distant Mental Interactions with Living Systems (DMILS) and direct a multinational, scientifically based, social action media research project to potentially demonstrate our indivisibility on instrument under double-blind conditions with aikido masters, Buddhist monks, and well know celebrities stationed at multiple scientific laboratories in widely separated geographic locations. This project is still underway with the intention to be popularly presented in films.

I initiated the Human Connection Project over thirty years ago to present life-changing, scientifically derived images of our interconnectedness via news reports, print media, talk show formats, feature documentaries, and dramatic films so people can (re)awaken easy access to their combined intelligence and spiritual unity.

To further the evolution of a socially altruistic heart-centered intelligence and two-way telepathic awareness, I founded the Human Connection Institute in 1990, facilitated hundreds of groups internationally for forty years, learned to teach anyone interested how to effectively recreate these experiences in-person, as well as online via webcam, largely for free, and gave invited presentations on human interconnectedness and the Human Connection Project at the University of Connecticut ('88/'89), the Association for Research and Enlightenment ('90), the United Nations ('92), World Business Academy ('93/'94), Duke University ('95), the Foundations of Mind conferences, U.C. Berkeley (2014/’15), and ASCSI conference in Raleigh, NC (2018).

My articles have appeared in Frontier Perspectives, Alternative Therapies, Exceptional Human Experience, Cosmos and History, Kosmos Journal, and the ASCSI proceedings. I am writing and co-authoring books and related media on humanity’s capacity to consciously share a ‘common sense.' International news releases, documentaries, and feature films are being developed for shifting viewing audiences to share a felt sense of being indivisible from everyone and everything. Unity consciousness is now being offered online for free three times a week.

By sharing the experience of being a single body, heart, and mind with thousands of individuals, I have witnessed and demonstrated inter-subjectively, as well as objectively that anyone can access a commonly sensed unconditionally loving intelligence. My years of experiential research confirms that this can happen rapidly and reliably without effort—even with total strangers.

Our capacity to share a "common sense" appears to be the next step in human evolution, as it may well prove essential to our survival as a species. Before a person is presented with a sensation, feeling, thought or intuition, it can require billions of cooperating brain cells orchestrating together. Similarly, within our "global brain," billions of people may require "seeing is believing," scientifically-derived evidence of our innate unity for humanity--as a whole--to recognize and welcome felt perceptions of being interconnected.”

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