Cuba Says NO to Communism (and Yes to Freedom!)

3 years ago

We heard some interesting attempts by the propaganda media to spin the Cuba Freedom protests over this past weekend.

Psaki, Dorsey, and other socialist hacks insisted that the protests were as a result of "COVID vaccine shortages" or "as a result of Trump's embargo!" We were told it was due to economic mismanagement, and finally, that "it was simply a protest in SUPPORT of the Castro regime, silly!"

When armed forces were deployed against Cuban citizens crying for freedom and their internet cut off to boot- one has to (perhaps not so carefully) consider why a communist regime would feel compelled to do this.

Communism/socialism is evil and must be swept off the face of the earth. Let's start by squashing its presence in the U.S., so that we might continue to act as a beacon of freedom and an example for the rest of the world: THIS, is what freedom looks like.

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