Stand Up For Liberty Rally - Cindy Konopasek

3 years ago
Cindy Konopasek, a co-founder of Stand Up For Liberty, shared how members stood up to the Yankton School Board and challenged them on their policy: You don’t have to wear a mask if you provide proof of vaccination.

Ultimately, the school board rescinded this policy, but did not inform the public about it. So, Stand Up For Liberty wrote a letter to the editor and published it in the local paper to inform the students of the change: You don’t have to get the shot and you don’t have to wear a mask!

They also spoke about a flyer campaign that is happening…Cindy and another group of people went door-to-door in Rock Valley, Iowa. This flyer has also been mailed out to many people in various communities, including Yankton. This flyer created quite a stir in Yankton…and awakened the public to information that is not being shared on mainstream media.

Read more about this event:

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