Will the Biden administration write 'navigable' out of Trump's Navigable Waters Protection Rule?

3 years ago

On June 9, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Department of the Army announced their intent to revise the definition of “waters of the United States”. North American Ag's Chrissy Wozniak had the pleasure of speaking with an expert on the matter - the Senior Director of the American Farm Bureau Federation, from Fairfax Station, Virginia - Don Parrish.

The Navigable Water NWPR replaced EPA’s controversial Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule. Under the Obama-era rule, EPA could have extended its authority beyond navigable waters to include “waters” as small as wet-weather ditches and springs. EPA Administrator Michael Regan said the agency determined the current rule is leading to “significant environmental degradation.” NWPR will remain the law of the land while EPA drafts a new rule.

“Clean water and clarity are paramount, and that is why farmers shouldn’t need a team of lawyers and consultants to farm.” says Farm Bureau President Zippy Duval. Don Parrish gives his thoughts and analysis on the issue.

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