The Cost of Our Silence by Author David Fiorazo: What's in it for you?

3 years ago

There are consequences when Christians take the path of least resistance. We're seeing those consequences in our culture today. Author David Fiorazo briefly describes the table of contents of his 2015 book, The Cost of Our Silence.
As Christians go so goes America, and the church seems more comfortable blending with the world than being set apart from it. To compound the problem, the epidemic of our apathy is spreading like a horrible disease. The truth is – silence never saved anybody.
In the last hundred years in America, we have not only opened the door to evil, we have invited evil in and justified it. Rather than resist the sin that had repulsed us and caused us deep remorse leading to repentance, we have warmed up to it. Meanwhile, Jesus Christ is standing outside knocking on the door of many lukewarm churches today, hoping we will welcome Him back in before it’s too late.
It is up to individual Christians to live our faith and speak the truth in love rather than be "professing" Christians who have backed out of culture and live just like the world.

Mar 26, 2015

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