Fall of the Cabal Sequel - S02 E15 - 🇺🇸 English (Engels) - (27m38s)

3 years ago

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👀 The whole collection FOTC

🇺🇸 Fall of the Cabal (English):
Episodes 01 - 10: https://rumble.com/vfu5sr-fall-of-the-cabal-english-s01-e01e10.html

🇳🇱 Fall of the Cabal (Dutch):
Episodes 01 - 10: https://rumble.com/vfv559-val-van-de-cabal-nederlands-dutch-s01-e0110.html

🇺🇸 Fall of the Cabal, the Sequel (English):
Episodes 01 - 10: https://rumble.com/vfu8m5-fall-of-the-cabal-sequel-english-s02-e0110.html
Episode 11: https://rumble.com/vftvyl-fall-of-the-cabal-sequel-english-s2-e11.html
Episode 12: https://rumble.com/vgr5mr-fall-of-the-cabal-sequel-s02-e12-english-engels-.html
Episode 13: https://rumble.com/vi1q5x-fall-of-the-cabal-sequel-s02-e13-english-engels-26m43s.html
Episode 14: https://rumble.com/vig4bn-fall-of-the-cabal-sequel-s02-e14-english-engels-34m16s.html
Episode 15: https://rumble.com/vjso3n-fall-of-the-cabal-sequel-s02-e15-english-engels-27m38s.html
▶️ Episode 16: https://rumble.com/vl6ytd-fall-of-the-cabal-sequel-s02-e16-english-engels-26m51s.html
Episode 17: https://rumble.com/vnkj8n-fall-of-the-cabal-sequel-s02-e17-english-engels-27m08s.html
Episode 18: https://rumble.com/vnkkh3-fall-of-the-cabal-sequel-s02-e18-covid-19-part-1-english-engels-32m57s.html
Episode 19: https://rumble.com/vpk7bf-fall-of-the-cabal-sequel-s02-e19-covid-19-part-2-english-engels-26m10s.html
Episode 20: www.rumble.com/vrd387-fall-of-the-cabal-sequel-s02-e20-covid-19-part-3-english-engels-31m24s.html
Episode 21: https://rumble.com/v107vj5-fall-of-the-cabal-sequel-s02-e21-covid-19-part-4-english-engels-30m30s.html
Episode 22: https://rumble.com/v23mfdk-fall-of-the-cabal-sequel-s02-e22-covid-19-money-and-murder-in-hospitals-eng.html
Episode 23: https://rumble.com/v23miok-fall-of-the-cabal-sequel-s02-e23-whistleblowers-about-hospital-murders-engl.html
Episode 24: https://rumble.com/v23mlne-fall-of-the-cabal-sequel-s02-e24-mandatory-vaccinations-time-for-action-eng.html


🇺🇸 English (Engels) - Part 15: The depopulation agenda in our daily lives, part 2.
About our poisoned food, water, and care products, about GMOs and Family Planning. The true story behind sex education and the LGBTQ movement.

By Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter

This is part 15 of 17 parts in total. Part 16 will be uploaded as soon as it's ready...

If you liked this part, please consider supporting their work:
They make these documentaries without being paid, so any donation - no matter how small - is most welcome! This way they can continue giving their work to the world for free, in order to wake up as many people as possible...
They also have (had) zoom meetings, in English of course. If you like to know more, register your email for the newsletter at their website: https://www.fallcabal.com/

Join their FallCabal Telegram Platform for free daily updates: https://t.me/Fall_of_the_Cabal


👀 Dr David Martin – The illusion of knowledge - 🇺🇸 English (1h32m36s)
👀 Claim: injections have already killed 50,000 Americans + pdf - 🇺🇸 English & 🇩🇪 German (48m12s)


🇳🇱 Nederlands (Dutch) - Deel 15: De ontvolkingsagenda in ons dagelijks leven, deel 2.
Over ons vergiftigde voedsel, water en verzorgingsproducten, over GGO's en gezinsplanning. Het waargebeurde verhaal achter seksuele voorlichting en de LGBTQ-beweging.

Door Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter

Dit is deel 15 van in totaal 17 delen. Deel 16 wordt geüpload zodra het klaar is...

Als je dit deel goed vond, overweeg dan om hun werk te steunen: https://www.fallcabal.com/
Ze maken deze documentaires onbetaald, dus elke donatie - hoe klein ook - is van harte welkom! Zo kunnen zij hun werk gratis aan de wereld blijven geven, om zo zoveel mogelijk mensen wakker te maken...

Ze hebben ook zoom meetings in het Nederlands. Als je meer wilt weten, registreer je dan voor de nieuwsbrief op hun website: https://www.fallcabal.com/

Word lid van hun FallCabal Telegram Platform voor gratis dagelijkse updates: https://t.me/Fall_of_the_Cabal


Fall Cabal links:

🏠 https://www.valcabal.nl

🇺🇸 https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ws4fMTn6yNc7/

🇮🇹 https://odysee.com/@QlobalChangeItalia:2
🇷🇺 https://www.bitchute.com/channel/tBWmLU6NiEQf/
🇮🇱 https://www.knowheretoknow.com/fallcabal
🇪🇸 https://www.brighteon.com/channels/vari3dad3s
🇩🇪 https://kopfgemuese.de/der-fall-der-kabale/
🇫🇷 https://odysee.com/@NeufdeCoeur:1
🇧🇬 https://bgprevedi.com/cabalisti/
🇷🇸 https://www.bitchute.com/channel/uvkH6gSYU2ZK/
🇷🇴 https://www.bitchute.com/video/cAWeSgdqtk1E/
🇵🇹 https://www.oevento.pt/2020/05/14/a-queda-da-cabala-escura-episodios/
🇵🇱 https://www.cda.pl/video/5088131ad
🇨🇿 https://otevrisvoumysl.cz/pad-kabaly-konec-sveta-tak-jak-ho-zname-1-10/
🇬🇷 https://www.brighteon.com/9866da3f-ab65-4db4-83a2-cf745b6e4592
🇫🇮 https://www.bitchute.com/channel/AYBPVcfidrgZ/
🇭🇺 https://www.vilaghelyzete.com/2020/06/fall-of-cabal-cabal-es-hatterhatalom.html
🇱🇹 https://www.brighteon.com/watch/e6c52c00-b31d-4893-b6de

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