Australian Lady talking about Med Beds

3 years ago

Ex member of the secret space program on med beds and her thoughts on the med bed impact on humanity:
Med beds have not been released so far because they require a heightened developed consciousness of the patient. Mankind is just beginning to enter this phase.

Imagine the treatment makes your body completely healthy in one hour, but your consciousness thinks it is sick for decades. Yes, you are over-identifying with your illness. What will happen? Your illness will come back.

Med Beds can significantly change, for example, your age, height, hair quantity and color, and body weight and type. What will happen? It will never be good enough, (note: because you can't love yourself!) Most people will become addicted to such med bed treatments as many are already addicted to cosmetic surgery these days.

What if you get a super slim body but your eating habits stay the same?

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