Cast Iron Pan vs 50g Weight (Amazing Compound Levers)

3 years ago

As an curious and ODDUNCLE I made this video is for my nieces and nephews. The title tells you just about everything. Due to the amount of friction in the compound lever system it is admittedly holding up a larger weight than it would if the friction were reduced. This is a series of 5 levers all of the Class 1 designation. The lever holding up the cast iron pan has the same length input and output arms and is used to change the direction of force applied by the other levers of the system. The four other levers have an input arm that is 3x the output arm. Linked together they create an incredible amplification of force but this is possible with the trade off of minimal distance traveled by the output arm.
Words of Caution***
The purpose of these videos is to expose my nieces and nephews to concepts and how they may work in the real world. I am not a teacher or instructor of any sort. Some of the experiments, activities and demonstrations in this or other videos are certainly dangerous and shouldn't be done at home. Any instructions given are for entertainment, clarification, or if the viewer is so inclined education. They are not meant as instructions for the viewer to go about doing the same or similar dangerous and risky activities.

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