Fr. John Corapi ~ IMMORTAL COMBAT (8 pts) ~ Pt. 1: The Reality of this Spiritual Combat

3 years ago

Father John Corapi... "In this little series, Immortal Combat..Spiritual Warfare, I don't want you to forget where we're beginning.. we're beginning with Jesus Christ, we shall be centered on Jesus Christ, and we will end with Jesus Christ, because Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last. He is the Source, He is the Centre and He is the Summit of the Church's life, of all the Universe. You have to begin there, having done so I'll make a statement which I've made many times before.. 'At the end when the dust settles and the smoke and noise of battle is blown away, and Time gives way to Eternity, you and I are going to be one of two things..a Winner or a Loser..Heaven or Hell, and it's that simple..that is in-your-face Truth."

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