Remote Viewing Experiment, Dream Interpretation & Messages from the Akashic Record | Richard Syrett

3 years ago

Richard welcomes Canada's Edgar Cayce who will conduct a remote viewing experiment, live on the air. He'll also discuss his intuitive abilities and how he accesses information from the Akashic Record.

Guest: Dr. Douglas James Cottrell is best known as a trance clairvoyant. He is a spiritual healer, teacher, and published author who demonstrates many abilities studied by Noetic Sciences (the study of consciousness), including clairvoyance, telepathy, energy healing, remote viewing, prediction, and prophecy. He is one of a select few able to demonstrate all of these abilities, and even fewer who are considered a reliable information source. He teaches people the world over about spiritual development through the practice of meditation and the application of spiritual principles in daily life.

Secrets of Life
The Compleat New Age Health Guide
The New Earth: A Prophetic View of Our Future
Gems of Wisdom
Conversations With The Akashic Field

Call Richard in the GTA 416.360.0740 and Toll Free from anywhere 866-740-4740

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