Michelle Weinstein Shares How To Pitch Your Way To Success

3 years ago

My guest in todays episode is Michelle Weinstein. Michelle is a Sales Strategist, Entrepreneur, and Innovator. She has over 20 years of sales experience, selling everything from multi-million dollar homes to Paleo meatballs. Her achievements include raising over $1M dollars for her last company, landing contracts with major retailers such as Costco and The Vitamin Shoppe, and pitching her way onto ABC's Shark Tank.

M.C. Laubscher is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Producers Wealth and the creator & host of the top-rated business, investing and business podcast, Cashflow Ninja.

M.C. has created a system for investors, entrepreneurs, business owners and professionals to create, protect, and multiply their wealth in ANY Economy and Outside of Wall Street.

In the Cashflow Ninja podcast, M.C. and his guests share how to create income streams in the new economy and information age. They look at real estate, businesses, paper assets, commodities like gold, silver and oil, and also crypto and blockchain assets.

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