Official Teaser Trailer, Deconstructing Sentience: From Chaos to Coherence

3 years ago

OFFICIAL TEASER TRAILER A NEW, AWAKENING, ACTIVATING FREE FILM that can transform your entire reality in just 3 hours!

Gregg Braden | Bruce H. Lipton, PhD | Jovanny Varela Ferreyra | Darryl Anka "Bashar" | Dr. Sue Morter | Julia Cannon | Marina Jacobi | Magenta Pixie | Dr. Dawson Church, PhD | Howard Martin | Dr. Rollin McCraty, PhD | Prof. Antonio Damasio | Lynne McTaggart | Dr. Rudolph Schild | Sarah McLean | Dr. Richard Miller | Rafael Araujo | Katherine Peil Kauffman | June-Elleni Laine | Thrity Engineer | Dr. Meher Engineer | Shiv Charan Singh | Suzi von Mensenkampff | Sue Cooper | Sperry Andrews | Her Grace Emma Manners | Peter Granger | Elaine Griffiths | Christine Auriela Aloisio | Francis Xavier Aloisio | Suryacitta | James Malins | Gavin Andrews | Steve Mera | Vitaly Safarov | William Henry | Dr. Celestine Star, DD | Sonja Grace | Billy Carson

Awake-umentary “Deconstructing Sentience: From Chaos to Coherence” brings to life the forgotten power of healing through feeling...for yourself, humanity & the planet!

As we find ourselves at the precipice of a self-induced global emotional emergency, the need navigate our way through these turbulent times is at an all-time high.

Maybe your feeling mechanism, our capacity to be self-aware, consciously sentient beings, is the bio-encoded, built-in GPS you’ve been looking for as your Guiding Light.

Not a moment too late, this activating documentary deconstructs pseudo-separation, escapism, programming, epigenetics & the emotional system to uncover the multi-layered facets of conscious connection as the antidote to self-destruction.

Using her personal journey overcoming addiction as the microcosm, Writer/Director/Producer Kristin Gillespie takes you on an epic journey beyond the macro that can literally transcend humanity’s shadow for a heaven on Earth for us all!

This unprecedented marriage of science, spirituality and intuition is a true portal to collective healing....

Look no further than “Deconstructing Sentience: From Chaos to Coherence,” starring many leading pioneers of SENTIENCE, to usher you through this tectonic shift in our collective consciousness.

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