Israel: The BIGGEST Invasion is Yet to Come! | LCP 075

3 years ago

Show Notes

Today we will have on the show, Dr. Andy Woods. Dr. Andy Woods is the senior pastor of Sugarland Bible Church in Texas. He also has an extensive resume. Dr. Andy graduated with High Honors earning two Baccalaureate Degrees in Business Administration and Political Science. He also obtained a Juris Doctorate. Dr. Andy has many years of studies in the prophetical. Dr. Andy earned a Master of Theology degree and a Master of Theology degree from Dallas Theological Seminary.

Furthermore, Dr. Andy is an author and a conference speaker.

God has used Dr. Andy in many areas. He is unashamed to proclaim the TRUTH of God’s word. That is why it is always an honor to have him on this podcast.

Today will we discuss his book: The Middle East Meltdown: The Coming Islamic Invasion. The link to purchase this book will be below in the Show Notes. Feel free to leave a review after you are done reading this book!!

To quote from his book, “the signs of the looming Gog and Magog war are perpetual reminders that the RAPTURE, which PRECEDES all of these events is coming even faster.”

Questions answered in his book are:

1. Who is involved in this end-time drama?
2. When will these events happen?
3. Why Is this happening?
4. What Are the aftereffects or the outcome of these things?
5. How Is the world stage currently being set up for the fulfillment of these events?

Today, we will dive into a few of those.

Ezekiel 38 Countries – But what are their modern names? Tune in to find out!! Where are we on this timeline?

• Magog
• Meshach
• Tubal
• Rosh
• Persia
• Cush
• Put
• Gomer
• Beth-Togarmah
• Sheba and Dedan
• Merchants of Tarshish

What about America? Dr. Andy’s book also speaks upon this. We will quickly dive into “America? What about America? What role will she play in this end-time invasion? America would certainly rush to Israel’s rescue, would she not?”

Links on Today’s Show:


Dr. Andy's Church:

Dr. Andy's YouTube:

Dr. Andy's Rumble: Andy Woods

Andy Woods Ministries:

WorldView Weekend (WVW) Broadcast Network:

Andy Woods Ministries:

Grace Global Radio:

The Pre-Trib Research Center:

The Word on Politics:

Awake to Israel:

Genesis Playlist on YouTube:

Israel Betrayed:

Link to Mark Hitchcock: YouTube Channel for his church:

Link to Mark Hitchcock: YouTube Channel for his page:

Cornerstone Chapel: Gary Hamrick -

Matthew Maher - Teaching Pastor, Coastal Christian Ocean City

Arnold Fruchtenbaum’s Books:
Jesus was a Jew:

Messianic Christology:

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