Gov. Ron DeSantis Crackdown on Big Tech Cartel that Censors Americans - Excerpts

3 years ago

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis ( Announcing Steps The State Of Florida Will Take To Deal With Big Tech "These platforms have played an increasingly decisive role in elections, and have negatively impacted Americans who dissent from orthodoxies favored by the Big Tech Cartel."
09:50 Announcing Some Of The New Regulations The State Of Florida Will Seek To Enact To Deal With Big Tech & How They Will Be Enforced
12:05 "Under our proposal, if a technology company de-platforms a candidate for elected office in Florida during an election that company will face a daily fine of $100k until the candidate's access to the platform is restored."
13:05 "The message is loud & clear: when it comes to elections in Florida, Big Tech should stay out of it." "We can't allow Floridians' privacy to be violated, their voices & even their livelihoods diminished, and their elections interfered with." 13:25 Calling Out Journalists Defending Big Tech & The Censorship Of Hunter Biden Story: “You're trying to tell me if there was hacked information that could damage me, you wouldn't print it? Give me a break. You can whiz on my leg, but don’t tell me it’s raining."
15:25 On The Destruction Of Parler By Big Tech & Big Tech's Ability To Completely Wipe Out The Platform Of A Political Candidate They Don't Like
16:25 Calling Out Big Tech's Double Standard When It Comes To Elections

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Launches Ambitious Crackdown on Big Tech

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