💥EXPLOSIVE ❗Dr David Martin & Dr Reiner Fuellmich👊

3 years ago

❗Dr Martin brings more of the evidence forward to prove irrefutabley to the world there was no 'new' virus, & the preparedness for the bioweapon serum [they] are calling a vaccination was years ago. Clear, concise & irrefutable - this is a must watch & one to share to friends & family considering having the serum. Not only was the election a 🐝sting operation, so was Covid, & everything that happened before, after & in between. 🧐Q -"Sometimes you can't tell the people, you have to show them" & "Its only at the precipice, people find the will to change" 🚫 No one would have believed our narrative without the experience, & even with the experience many still do not believe us. But time is on our side🙏High vibrations,
Love & Light. Janmaree. 💜✨💜✨ 
❗Mewe https://mewe.com/join/qanonupdates-ce5-nzawakenascend



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