Freedom ~ Part 2 ~ Making Agreements

3 years ago

Freedom ~ Part 2 ~ Making Agreements

Last week: Tool to help me with freedom – “Where is this coming from?”
The evil one speaks to us in 1st person voice. That voice is so close to home, I think it’s my thoughts, so I own them as truth. “I’m lonely,” “I’m miserable.”
I want to re-visit “What lie have I believed?”

Text: Galatians 5:1 NIV – “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free…”
Christ “has” set me free. So if I am not experiencing freedom, or I don’t believe I am or will ever be free, I KNOW that baseline is not from God.

1Pet.5:8-9 says our enemy the devil is looking to destroy you.
Psa.51:6 “…You desire truth inside my heart…” (paraphrase)

Everyone of us has an enemy. Satan HATES you because you belong to God.
Re 12:10 calls him “the accuser of our brethren.”

Jesus called him the “father of lies.” (Jn.8:44) He is good at it. He is an expert at reading my body language, and taking advantage of my weaknesses to convince me of his lie.

What is an agreement with the enemy?

Let’s look at where it started – with Adam & Eve - the evil one distorted the interpretation of what Eve said God had said.
If his spin was obvious, we wouldn’t have a problem.

When he begins to talk to Eve, it is subtle as he twists what God had said.
Gen.3:1 “…"Did God really say, 'You must not eat from any tree in the garden'?"
Ver.4 “You won’t really die.”

He comes into experiences we have had – especially where pain in involved, and he will wrap his subtle distortion in partial truth.

He will give us a different interpretation of what God says is true.

Another way to explain agreements is how I interpret something.
My interpretation of reality. Of yourself, Of God, His intentions towards me, etc.

The enemy loves to imbed these agreements when we are young, when you are vulnerable, and you don’t have the ability to see or reason the truth.
So if I have carried these agreements most of my life, and my process for obtaining truth is intensified by my feelings, even in the face of God’s point blank truth, I have a hard time realizing that I have believed a lie.

It doesn’t seem like an agreement because it has always been my filter of truth.
I have always been klutzy, slow to grasp what others get instantly, always been chubby, skinny, ugly, stupid, on the outside, always had a short fuse, etc.
Agreements are always based on some kind of fact, and usually imbedded in my heart in painful moment.

Often all I have to do is look at myself in a mirror and make observations to myself about me.

Is what is coming out of my mouth from God’s heart?
What about when I have blown it – maybe on purpose. What do I say to myself?

Have I forgiven myself for those places where I sinned? Where I damaged my wife – my family?

My goal today is not to discover all those places where I have made agreements with the enemy, but to understand how to work with Holy Spirit to take this tool and start breaking every agreement I have made with Satan, and align my heat with God’s truth and agree with Him and re-enforce that truth in my soul.

Jn.8:32 "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

When breaking these places in me, it can be, but not usually a onetime event.
I have to re-new my mind with His truth. Rom.12:2 “transformed by the renewing of my mind…”

I need God’s truth to battle, or transform my baseline, my filter.
Personally, I have to do it again and again and again….
…memorize & quote scripture.
How to break these agreements:
Ask the Holy Spirit to shine His light on anything in me that is not truth.

Prayer: Jesus, we ask you to come this morning and shine your beautiful warm light into any cold area of my heart / mind that is dark.

Show me where my agreements with the enemy was made.
I ask for healing in that wound.
Reveal every place the enemy has twisted events to interpret them with a negative spin.

Forgive us for the places we have made agreements with the enemy.
“In Jesus’ name I break the lie!”

Let the freedom of Your truth break every stronghold that has been established as I have sided with the enemy against Your truth.

Do you want more? Go to YouTube search: “John Eldredge – Agreements”

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