Align Vocal Tracks in Reaper Part 2 – Align Vocals (For Beginners)

3 years ago

In this video I walkthrough using ReaPack’s “mpl Align takes” script for aligning 3 chorus vocals. I then apply manual track alignment using Reaper’s Take & Stretch markers.

00:00 Final Mix of Chorus Harmony
03:05 Vocal alignment with “mpl Align takes” script
04:54 Vocal alignment with Take & Stretch markers

ReaPack Automated Alignment Script
Free Reaper Vocal Alignment Script “mpl Align takes”

Download Website:

Installation Guide:

NOTE: After installing in Reaper, you will find the alignment script in the Action List

FAQ – Would you tune vocals before alignment or after?

I noticed this question while doing youtube research. Here is the best response I found:

“I would definitely tune them first and render that. The reason being, the align plugin stretches and moves the audio around. I would be worried about any glitches due to the time stretching. Vocal tuning, in my view, should always be the first and purest signal to get the best results”

WIN - Suggested Keyboard Shortcuts

“Ctrl+WIN” hold down to move stretch marker without “stretching”
“Shift+W” ADD stretch marker (Reaper Default)
“Shift+D” REMOVE stretch marker
“Shift+A” REMOVE ALL stretch markers
“Alt+,” ADD take marker (Alt + comma)
“Alt+.” REMOVE take marker (Alt + period)
“Alt+/” REMOVE ALL take markers in track

MAC - Suggested Keyboard Shortcuts

“Ctrl+CMD” hold down to move stretch marker without “stretching”
“Shift+W” ADD stretch marker (Reaper Default)
“Shift+D” REMOVE stretch marker
“Shift+A” REMOVE ALL stretch markers
“Opt+,” ADD take marker (Opt + comma)
“Opt+.” REMOVE take marker (Opt + period)
“Opt+/” REMOVE ALL take markers in track

MIC Blue Yeti

Bass Traps
2 Acoustic Blankets
Mini Vocal Booth

Screen Capture (1080p 60fps) - OBS
Video Editor (1080p 60fps) - filmoraPro
Filesize Reduction - Handbrake

DISCLAIMER: References to company brands and/or logos are for educational purposes. I am not endorsed by, affiliated to or in any way representing the company.

This is an Educational Video

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