Ahmadinejad against the Ayatollahs Regim

3 years ago

Ahmadinejad against the Ayatollahs Regime

It seems obvious that neither Biden nor any of his advisors are aware of the most remarkable turn in the political history of the terrorist Ayatollahs regime of Iran since 1979.

I am asserting their lack of knowledge because they are continuing the Nuclear bomb talks charade while the regime is facing its worst nightmare from inside the failing state.

Never before has anyone in Iran had the backbone to stand up to the terrorist regime leadership except the unpredictable and controversial Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s latest diatribes against the regime.

He is what the ill-informed Western media and leaders call a ‘hardliner’ when in reality there are absolutely no shades in Islam, because according to their own belief system, based on Muhammad’s Quran, one is either an Allah’s Sharia compliant Muslim or is a Kafir/ Infidel (80% of current non-Muslim humanity).

It is like comparing a mass murderer of 100 (hardliner) with one of 80 (moderate).

Ahmadinejad became mayor of Tehran (2003-2005); then served as Iran’s sixth president – twice elected – 2005 to 2013, during which time he reversed many of his predecessor’s reforms.

He truly believes that the Shia Messiah the Mehdi, will come to bring all of humanity to Shia Islam after a world conflagration starting with a war of extermination against Israel.

His objective is to make Iran a fully Sharia compliant nuclear power that will eventually impose its will against all her perceived enemies in the Middle East and elsewhere.

In 2017, he announced that he intended to run for a third term - against the objections of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei – who made sure he would fail by having the Guardian Council reject his nomination.

The Guardian Council, is an appointed body consisting of 6 high-ranking Shiite clerics and 6 lawyers, is a constitutional watchdog that vets parliamentary and presidential election candidates and operates under the supervision of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, who actually makes the final decisions.

During the Iranian public protests in 2017-2018, Ahmadinejad criticized the Ayatollah regime publicly and vehemently.

When he registered to run for the presidency, in 2021, Ayatollah Khamenei once again used the Guardian Council to disqualify him.

Therefore, his grudge against the regime is not only understandable but fully justifiable because they are cooking the votes against the will of the people.

On the 26th May 2021, Ahmadinejad revealed that the Revolutionary Guards' security chief for Tehran called on him at his home in East-Tehran Monday night (24th May 2021), to tell him that he was disqualified as a presidential candidate and demanded that he “keep silent and cooperate."

I would like readers to comprehend the enormity of this confrontation between the foremost leaders of the regime, which reflects very badly upon the current affairs of this – as usual - dysfunctional Islamic state.

Ahmadinejad had asserted during and after his registration as a candidate, that if he is disqualified, he will not vote in the election, which was seen as a signal to his voters to follow suit.

To mitigate against any possibility of protests by his supporters, Iran’s intelligence apparatus installed security cameras all around his neighbourhood during the previous week and reports from Tehran informed that his home has been surrounded by anti-riot forces since Monday night.

There were apparently threats and counter-threats exchanged by Nejat and Ahmadinejad, with the former alluding to arrests and the latter making reference to unleashing his supporters to defend him.

According to Ahmadinejad, the guards' security chief for Tehran told him that he is "not interested in arresting Ahmadinejad's supporters who are Hezbollah and revolutionary individuals."

Many polls conducted in Iran and abroad indicated, that Ahmadinejad could be the frontrunner in the June 18 presidential election if he were allowed by the Guardian Council to run.

Reacting to the development, Ahmadinejad published a statement on his official website on Tuesday and said that he had told the same to General Hossein Nejat, the Commander of Sarallah Headquarters in charge of security in Tehran. Hours after the publication, the page went temporarily off the grid.

But fortunately, several screenshots of the report were taken regarding the IRGC threat.

In the screen shot, Ahmadinejad was only telling the truth regarding the abysmal conditions in Iran: "The country's situation is really bad. The economic situation is catastrophic and the social situation is on the verge of collapse."

In fact, oil rich Iran has repeated electricity power failures during the worst conditions of the summer heat. Their currency has become worthless $1 = 4000 Rials.

The regime is more than willing to support and subsidize terrorist entities all over the world with billions of dollars, instead of using them for domestic purposes, and most of the people in Iran, obviously resent this state of affairs.

Ahmadinejad further charged, that infiltrators (Israel’s Mossad) have penetrated every part of the country and especially Iran’s military and domestic intelligence agencies "It is a combination of weakness and treason" he said, in a veiled reference to multiple incidents against high-value targets and individuals in the country, and almost the total failure of Iran’s intelligence and security services to stop them.

He had already publicly asserted that many of the top intelligence leaders in Iran are actually Israeli spies; which is an unbelievable affront to the legitimacy of the regime.

He also pointed out to General Nejat, that a low turnout in the elections as a result of widespread and illegal disqualifications, will have major domestic and international repercussions. "The system will fall in a way that it is hard to assume that it can rise once again"

Ahmadinejad asked "Why should they disqualify me? No one has the right to do that and I would never accept this or remain silent"

In fact, only 40% of voters turned out for the rigged elections, making it an abysmal and shameful so called ‘democratic’ election, thus proving him correct.

Meanwhile, Ahmadinejad warned that the "current trend" will quickly worsen and the enemies will seize the opportunity to make the regime surrender and give them concessions.

He further asserted that the people of Iran do not expect him to accept oppression and remain silent in the face of injustice and simply watch the destruction of the regime and the revolution as it unfolds. "The society is on the verge of explosion" he warned, adding that he cannot ignore the people's demands.

Ahmadinejad predicted that as people distance themselves from the regime, some elements in Iran (counter revolutionaries), are after disbanding the IRGC, doing away with the Guardian Council and bringing about foreign supervision of elections in Iran while the country is on course for a referendum and regime change.

He reiterated that he would not support any current candidate and will resist the moves regarding his unwarranted disqualification as long as he is alive, and that all those who have disqualified him, shall be held responsible for the consequences.

So as not to be accused of inciting insurrection, he added that he would not endorse or support any protest movements as a result of his disqualification.

He nonetheless warned "But those who are behind this disqualification should know that this will end in nothing other than the people's confrontation with them".

Ahmadinejad’s outbursts against the regime should not be ignored by the West. On the contrary, his opposition to the regime should be used as a perfect reason to bolster all Iranian counter revolutionary factions to help bring forth the fall of the Ayatollahs’ terrorist Theocratic Regime at the earliest possible time, to save the Middle East and the world from a very possible Nuclear War.

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